The Throes of Passion

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Warning: in my outline for this book, this chapter's only bullet is "sexytimes ensue" ;)

Dedicated to @dsdptx for being rad as heck and having faith in me <3

Mitch's POV

Somewhere in the back of my consciousness, I hear clapping and cheering. And wolf-whistling—Avi, no doubt. But I'm buzzing with joy and kissing my boyfriend and I really couldn't give a single shit about anything else.

My talented boyfriend who wrote me a song. My thoughtful boyfriend who realized I needed the world to know we were together. My adorable boyfriend who is bright red at this public display of affection, and is now pulling away from me to smile sheepishly at our friends. He's all mine.

"MITCH. I can't believe this. I knew it, but I also thought 'no way', you know? And I understand that you couldn't tell me, but how could you not tell me? We tell each other everything! No offence, Scott, but us girls gotta stick together. Oh my god, I'm so happy for you! WE SHOULD TOTALLY DOUBLE DATE." Kirstie is talking a mile a minute. I pride myself on being very fluent in Maldonado, but I'm a little bit dazed from the kiss, and I only really catch about half the words. I just smile at her and hope that it's an appropriate response.

"Did you two bet on this?"

I look over to see Scott staring incredulously at the money Kevin is handing Avi. Kevin looks down in shame, but Avi grins and gives us two thumbs up.

"Oh, you assholes! What was the bet?" Scott's trying so hard to seem angry, but he's also clearly a little dazed, and he's obviously amused by our suitemates' transaction.

"I bet Kevin twenty bucks that you two would hook up by the end of the semester... Although, to be fair to Kev, I had quite a bit more insider knowledge," Avi chuckles, winking at Scott.

"What does that mean?" shrieks Kirstie. "Scott could tell Avi, but you couldn't tell me? We've been best friends since middle school, Mitchell! This is an outrage."

"No! No, Kirst, calm down. Scott didn't tell me," Avi says, still chuckling to himself. "No, Scotty here asked me for advice on how to get to know Mitch better. Like almost two months ago. He was all 'Mitch is so talented and intimidating, and I don't know how to talk to him, but I want to be his boyfriend.' I figured it was just a ticking bomb since then. I've seen how you guys look at each other."

"That's not what happened!" Scott insists, but he's given away by his blush and whiny tone, and everyone laughs. He chuckles too, and mutters "I definitely never said the word boyfriend."

He is so damn cute, I don't understand how I got so lucky. I need to be kissing him. Now.

"Okay, okay. This was fun, and I'll talk to all you guys tomorrow. I think I need to be kissing my boyfriend right now and I don't think any of you want to be here for that. Actually, I don't care if you do. Out!"

Scott's face is literally crimson, but everyone else just laughs. Avi and Kevin walk back through the bathroom, with a final shout of 'use protection!' from Avi.

Kirstie pulls my head down to her height to give the top of it a kiss, and then points a stern finger at me. "You and I are getting lunch tomorrow, Grassi. You have about twelve gallons of tea to spill."

"And you!" She attempts to kiss the top of Scott's head as well, basically folding him in half so she can reach, and then points at him, too. "You're a good guy and I like you a lot. But so help me god, if you hurt him..."

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