Chapter 9: Cleaning up the Mess

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I froze where I was seeing Jack on the steps, Addie however trudged on past him and stood at the door ready for me to unlock.

"What are you doing here?" I manage to ask breaking out of my trance. I stepped around him and opened the front door so Addie could go in and sleep, which she did. I let her go, knowing she could do it on her own.

Jack didn't move from where he was on the steps. I turned and sat next to him. There was about a foot of space between us. I didn't know where we stood, and thought it was best to keep my distance incase this was it.

"I came... I came to apologize." He says. His head bowed. "I've been thinking about it, all of it, and it was a stupid fight." Jack's head popped up and he stared directly into my eyes. I wanted to give in to melt in his arms just by the look he was giving me, but I had to let him talk. We needed to talk.

"I shouldn't have acted like that. I'm sorry I've been busy with hockey. And what I said about putting my future before you, that was low of me. And I didn't mean for it to sound that way. You, Rosie, you are my future just as much as hockey, and I'm trying to balance both but it's hard. These past few weeks it was easy to be immersed in this new team and the excitement of college games, but I need to remember that I can't forget my old team. The guys who helped me get to where I am now. I've been flaky, I know I have, but from now on I will try my best to put effort into us, my friends, and hockey equally."

I sat in silence taking his apology in. After a few seconds my shoulders drooped, I was done fighting.

Jack sighed. "That is assuming, you still want me." At that he looked at his feet.

Not being able to resist I scooted over and put a knuckle under his chin forcing him to look at me. "You're an idiot, of course I still want you."

Jack let out a small smile, relieved at my answer before he reached out and placed his hand on my cheek pulling me to him. He kissed me gently like he was afraid I might break. I kissed him back, missing his touch. But before we got caught up in kissing I pulled back.

"That doesn't mean I'm going to let you off easy. And you can't just not talk to me for a whole day. I want you to know you can talk to me."

"I know. I just never know what to say, Ro. I just don't want to lose you-"

"And you won't." I say cutting him off.

Jack smiled. "I hope not." He says pulling me into a hug. I let his strong arms enveloping feeling safe and alright again. I felt relieved that this was settled, but there was still Georgia to worry about. I'll call her later to talk things out, right now I just want to be with Jack.

"So where were you?" Jack asks letting me slip from his arms as I stand up bringing him with me.

"Huh?" I led him into my house. "Oh, the rink."

Jack hummed. "I was supposed to meet Talon there this morning, but I didn't get to sleep until seven this morning and slept right through it. I texted him to reschedule but he's ignoring me. Lately, I've been really good at pissing people off." He says under his breath.

I stop in the entry way and turn to him. "Maybe, but Talon'll come around. I saw him at the rink. He's just worried, but he's also upset with you for leaving me at that party."

Jack bowed his head in shame. "He gave you a ride home, I know, he told me. He also called me an asshole and an idiot for what I did."

"Is that all he said?"

"Well he also cussed me out because I almost lost you once, and he pointed out that I was close to losing you again." Jack explains, then snorts. "If I didn't know any better I would think he was the one in love with you and not me."

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