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***Jenn: Good morning good morning. It's been I want to say 4 days already and I'm already getting in fights like What is going on but I mean it's a part of the bad girls club. Okay so my cousin and his friends are coming over for a while just to hang. So me, Meghan, and Nikki is going out to get some type of drinks and to buy a couple of outfits. ***

Meghan: So What kind of drink we buying?

Jenn: Vodka is the shit bruh

Nikki: Y'all want snacks?

Jenn: I don't know I can just make burgers

Nikki: I am on a diet...... For hot Cheetos

Jenn: You crazy

Meghan: So is they coming at night cause you know we can like hang in the pool.

Jenn: Like I'm suppose to know. He don't get off work till after 9

Nikki: Better hope we stay up like that anyways

Jenn: Little drink we wont have to worry about it anyways

Meghan: Word

Nikki: What about the girls though, You know they gon flirt

Jenn: Don't Kiki and Paris got a man

Nikki: Yeah but who knows they might just put on some action in the damn house

Meghan: I still don't understand why the hell they wanted a meeting and being honest

Jenn: Because Paris stupid ass couldn't wait for the damn reunion. We didn't even get to talk like.

Meghan: Cause they know that we was going to say some shit embarrassing

Jenn: But fr fr Shane might be my new best friend

Nikki: How?

Jenn: Well cause like Monique is dead ass rude. I mean like I can say that she was being honest about instigators but-

Meghan: She wasn't being rude Jenn. I know cause no other girl like her can have the guts and come up to me saying I don't like people who instigate and I'm not going to argue with them

Nikki: You did with Monique though

Meghan: Yeah I know but the problem was, she thought that I was the instigator and that she didn't like people as in me who does that am im not but that's Jenn

Jenn: SO she doesn't like me

Meghan: Yeah but now she also doesn't like me cause I told you if you ever got in a fight that I would jump in with you and I did that but then I didn't get a good shot at Kiki cause Monique or was that Paris that pulled me back.

Jenn: This some damn BullSh*t bruh

***Meghan: Jenn not getting the fact that people don't like instigators and im not saying that I don't like her its just that why couldn't she just wait for something to happen then make it worst. That's the best thing to do. And another thing. Why the hell did she bring Nikki knowing damn well she don't like her. Didn't she say that?***

(At the house)

 Paris: Yo Kiki

Kiki: Sup

Paris: Some one needs to go home asap.

Kiki: Yass Jenn needs to go like I sick and tired of her mouth like fr fr

 Paris: Okay Jenn it is. What I was thinking is to go in they room meaning jenn and take the things she loves the most.

Kiki: Hey make-up, her clothes, that bed needs to go

Paris: To the POOL!!

Shane: What yall doing

Kiki: Why are you going to tell Jenn

Shane: What's up with the attitude

Paris: Look we is going to remove the things she wants out her room into the pool you in or naw

Shane: Naw

***Paris: I knew her ass wasn't going to do it. Cause she gon be scared when Jenn screams or jumps her ass. Maybe she should keep her mouth shut. Dumb ass hoe***

***Kiki: Me and Paris is going in Jenn room and taking her shit out to the pool. Its time for her to go home. I'm not going home nor Paris so its going to be me and her that will take her out. And when she leaves honestly im not gon do nothing to Meghan but Shane is the next target fr fr***

(Next time on the Bad Girls Club)

Jenn: What the hell? Where the hell is my shit

Shane: Bruh is that my juice. Like I understand you want to use something for drinks but my juice man

Meghan: Holy shit

Jenn: Bruh I have people coming over and you fucking want to throw my shit AWAY!!

Paris: Its time to go home hunny. We don't want you here

Nikki: Its just juice bruh

Shane: I paid for it dumb ass

Monique: Here we go again.

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