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Hi my name is Cheyenne Wild and I'm going to forks high school now. A school for only vampires and wolfs. This is my first day at forks high school I lived with my mom but she send me to my dads and my sisters. my moms name is Emily Wild and my dads name is Jacob Wild and my sisters name is Alexis Wild. So like i was saying that is my first day of school and not knowing anyone just Alexis. I got no class with my sister so i'm walking in the hall and someone walks up to me and asked me if Cheyenne Wild "yes do I know you" I said "no but your sister told the whole school that her older sister was coming to live with her on the enter com" "what is your name" I said "oh sorry my name is Rosalie Weber my mom and dad knows your dad but your step sister does not like me cause she thinks that cause i'm wolf that i'm out to get your family but i'm not" she said "but she wolf" i said no she vampire. no she is wolf she is my sister I would know oh she said that you are her real sister no we are not sisters her dad is wolf her mom is a wolf she act more like a vampire not a wolf cause her mom die cause a wolf so she calls my mom her real mom my dad and me her sister. don't tell her i told you. K i will not tell her. Thanks oh can i ask you some thing yes what is it can i be your friend sure. Is our sister going to be mad yes be my not scared from her and she not scared from me. my faster then mom and dad but she is faster then us but me and her is stronger then mom and dad. Can i see your list of class sure you have no class with me but all your class with my boyfriend casen he's a wolf. He's mine boyfriend he will show you to all your class k she said. k so how do we find him o babe don't call me that k why we're dating no we're not yes we are you asked me out Monday what ever babe show my new friend to all her class but i got to go to class she has the same class as you do k come on hold on let me tell her something by her self. K listen if you lay a hand on my boy friend i will kill you if he puts a hand on you tell me you know what just stay away for him but he walk me to class ok clam down i got it can i talk to him sure but don't get any funny ideals. COME ON ok clam down she is coming babe (casen rolls his eye) K O MY GOD WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE (he grab me and puts me out of by her) so our first hour is math right yes ok come on lets go be for we're late is your name Cheyenne Wild yes is your name casen yes my last name i do not like it i do not tell any one we got 1 min left its ok we are close to math class o we're here casen seat were you always seat k Mr.Dean oh this is the new kid Cheyenne Wild oh yes nice to meet you Cheyenne nice to meet you to you can seat by casen no wait you can seat by Megan Fox hi my name is let me guess Cheyenne Wild yes who are you eating lunch no one i don't have any true friends oh sorry (long pause) o do you what to seat be me at lunch sure RING RING RING that is the bell see you later k come on Cheyenne got to go to reading k hey casen can i talk to you sure make it fast k do you what to seat with Cheyenne and me sure can we go to class now yes she gots all of the same class has me o do you like her i like her why don't you ask her out cause she thinks my dating Rosalie Weber why does she thank that she told her that i was her boyfriend and keeps calling me babe so now she thinks she my girlfriend o at b***h so there go's that COME ON CASEN YOU SAID IT WAS GOING TO BE FAST sorry my coming don't tell her you are seating with us k I guess COME ON coming calm down sorry I just don't what to be late o sorry Cheyenne come on lets go hey can i call you baby girl yes it is ok with me only my boyfriends and family call me that but you are just a friend (in reading) hi you must be Cheyenne Way yes I am you can seat be Casen (Casen smiles) no you can seat in the seat o hi Megan hi Cheyenne you can seat by her ok that is ok with me (it has been 20 min) do you like Casen a little but he is dating a diffrent girl no she just real likes him and when she ask him out he said no last Monday the day she told me they start dating no Cheyenne he is not her man i promise lunch is next ok are you going to show me to the lunch room sure but is casen going to may be if casen show you to the lunch room i will meet you in they o Cheyenne my going to show you to the lunch room right yes i guess k casen you may be done but that does not mean you can talk SORRY but if i go to the office Cheyenne does to she was talk to not just me ok (casen smiling and looking at me) CASEN AND CHEYENNE GO TO THE OFFICE FOR TALKING! yes sir sorry you didn't said we could talk i didn't know o sorry you guy can stay in class but NO TALKING OK calm down RING RING RING lunch time baby girl yes casen how did you know it was me he said like i said only you call me baby girl well and my boyfriends and family bet i don't got a boyfriend so it could only be you hey casen what can i talk to you yes this time real make it fast OK come here why cause that is about Cheyenne me why casen come here now OK she likes you a little no she think i'm dating Rosalie no i promise ok do you think i could ask her out and she will say yes my go to ask her in lunch in front of everyone today no she will said no why cause she does not know you that good ok i will ask her to hang out after school today k (she takes off running to the lunch room) come on lets go hey would you like to hang out after school sure let me tell my sister k here is the lunch room my going to go get my lunch ok they is my sister my going to talk to her and then go sit with Megan ok hey sis hey Cheyenne tell dad my going to hang out with one of my friends after ok but who casen maybe no yes k bye hey Cheyenne over here my coming seat down now ok clam down you do not get to move k ok (Megan start to smile) what why are you smiling what do you mean why are you smiling what is funny nothing ok i trust you BOO (i jumped out of my seat) O MY GOD are you ok yes Megan my fine (i get up and seat back down and slap casen) you scared the chap out of me sorry it is ok you slap harder then i can punch that is bad casen a vampire girl is stronger then a boy wolf hey Megan what are you vampire or werewolf. I'm werewolf she said ok i said (casen seat next to me) Megan you don't tell me that thing was go to seat with us i said fine i will get up and go seat with your sister he said no i was just playing I said ok eat he said i'm not hungry Cheyenne no Megan said what all i said was i was not hungry that is the point you do not say that in front of casen he will make you eat something she said baby girl EAT no baby girl EAT IF YOU DON'T EAT I WILL BEING YOU SOME THING FOR MY HOUSE he said. NO MY NOT EATING SCHOOL LUNCH PLUS I DO NOT EAT AT ALL i said. EAT NOW BEFORE I CALL MY MOM TO BEING UP SOME BLOOD he said. MY NOT EAT AT ALL i said (He got on his phone and called his mom and put her on speaker phone) Hey mom can you get me some blood and being it to school for me he said yes why his mom said my friend will not eat and you know what happens when people do not eat in front of me he said it is a girl she said maybe he said ok be there in one min she said k bye he said bye love you what are you around your friends you are not going to tell me you love me she said no he said fine then i'm not getting the blood she said fine sorry love you too k Cheyenne you are to drink some blood or eat lunch he said nothing i said no you are going to eat some thing he said casen his mom said what do you need he said baby boy she said no mom he said fine i am going then she said no mom i need the blood he said no you just told me to go so bye no mom i just don't like when you call me that at school he said sorry casen happy baby boy she said mom he said what she said you did it again he said o sorry here take the blood before i call you baby boy again she said mom he said sorry shr said mom just go now he said ok ok my going bye here she said. baby girl he said no i'm not going to drink this she said yes if i open it you will he said no you can't do that i said(he open the bag of blood)NO CASEN (I smelled it my sister yelled) NO CASEN STOP SHE WILL FLIP OUT SHE STOP EATING AND DRINK BLOOD STOP CLOSE THAT BAG NOW RIGHT NOW BEFORE IT'S TO LATER what do you mean before it is later casen said SHE WILL NOT STOP she said she will not stop what he said (Alexis takes off running to him before i could try to kill him) i jump on top of him moved his head so i could see his throat i keep moving my head down and down and then my sister jump and pushed me off of him and slap me NO NO BAD VAMPIRE she said (then she looked at Casen like she was going to yell at him) NOW CASEN CLOSE THE BAG AND DON'T TELL OR ASK HER TO EAT GOT IT CASEN she said ok ok sorry casen said good now you get up and eat she said wait can i ask you a question he asked NO she said you know what i don't care what you say my going to ask you the question he said NO YOU CAN NOT ASK ME A QUESTION CASEN she said why didn't you (he don't get done talk and all i hear is SLAP and i got up and showed her my teeth and said ) HEY THERE IS NO REASON TO SLAP HIM LIKE THAT EVERYONE MAY BE IS SCARED OF YOU BUT MY NOT SO STOP ACTING LIKE YOUR THEIR QUEEN CAUSE GUESS WHAT YOUR ARE NOT THE QUEEN OF ANY ONE IF ANY ONE IS THE BOSS IT'S ME i said no i am the boss she said really watch if you like me more get on your tables (everyone got on the tables all of my sisters friends did to) BAM i told you if you keep being mean to people they are not going to like you NOW SHUT UP AND HEAR WHAT CASEN NEEDS OR WANTS TO SAY i said so like i was saying before you hit me why didn't you flip on like the all the vampires did he said i did she said no you didn't he said yes i did she said no you did not everyone said YES I DID she yelled NO YOU DIDN'T everyone yelled SHE IS A WEREWOLF i yelled NO I'M NOT she said YES YOU ARE I HAVE THIS (i got out my phone and called my dad) hey baby girl he said no dad i said what why i always call you that he said dad is sis vampire or werewolf i said why and you know we do not talk about it you are at school right and am i on speaker phone he said cuz sis is saying she is a vampire when she is a werewolf and yes i know we do not talk about it and yes i am at school and maybe i said k good and get me off speaker phone he said no not until you tell the true i said ok she is a werewolf he said Casen hold my phone i said ok he said i got on top of the table BAM k dad bye i said bye he said here is your phone no hold it for me the password is 1901 i said but why do i need to get in your phone he said i do not know maybe to give me your phone number or take some pic i said (he smile and said) k so i yell WATCH ITS YOU THREE GUYS GET FIVE CHAIRS EACH so 15 they said yes i said k what no baby girl no what are you doing he said casen trust me k i said no yes just trust me fine but i get to take you to the hospital k he said (i smile) k hey now stack them up and help me get up there EVERYONE COUNT TO 3 K 1.....2.....3 (so i do a back flip off the chairs and landed it ) phone thanks your welcome (we both smiled and the bell rings) so me,Megan and casen takes off running and saying school is out we are the first kids out of school see you tomorrow k what can i give you a ride to your house he said sure i got to change out of my cloths k (2 min later) here is your house hey wait you said you was going to ask your dad if you can come hang out with me o i forgot about that k i will go change but if you want you can pick me in 10 min so you and i can get out of school cloths i said see you in 10 min k (i take off running inside yell )DAD MY GOING TO HANG OUT WITH SOME ONE WHO SOMEONE is it a guy yes do you have moms long black and red dress what i have some dress but i do not think i have that one tell me more about the dress ok dad the dress has red leaf like sleeves long black dress yes in the thing you cell harry potter room k think you ( i get the dress and run to my room and then the bathroom) dad how do i look i said no come here let me fix you hair and make up he said ok do not make my make up messed up same go for my hair i said ok calm down k go look at you. you look like you your mom when we were go to hang out he said (BEEP BEEP) bye dad that is him love you dad i said love you to baby girl he said one min casen i said k baby girl he said hey baby girl are you dating him my dad said no i said then what did he call you baby girl only your family and boyfriends calls you that he said sorry i got to go dad bye i said (i got in the car ) hey baby girl hey casen we are going to the movies is that ok with you yes lets go to a scary movie ok ( so we get out of the car) how do i look i said you look beautiful he said thanks your welcome what movie do you two kids would like to see the most scary movie you got k (the movie is so close to being over so the movie says you are next and then so a scary face pops out so me and all the girls yell the same thing and does the same thing we all yell o my god and jump in the guys lap so casen looks down at me and smile) looks like you got scared yes i did the movie is over can we go i said yes but i'm going to take you out to eat and then take you home he said you asked me to hang out this is more like a date then hanging out first the movies then going out to eat i said maybe i asked you out in a better way but it looks like you what to go out with me cause you did not look you what to hang out in that dress so i said forget my plans i will just take you to the movies and take you to eat he said i do not eat casen i said if you like me do something for me and eat something he said k i will eat and yes i like you but i am not saying yes to anything but to eat not to do anything else i said but all i said was if you like me you will eat something he said ok but you said maybe i ask you out in a better way i said k so he said i am sorry my mind is messing with me and said he is trying to ask you out stop him before this to later. your mind is right i kind are trying to ask you out he said ok but why ask me out if you don't like me i said you like me and i like you he said that is not what you say at school you tell they you can never like some one like me i said yep i did say that when you and i met i do not feel like that any more he said (so we go in seat down and he said) tell me tomorrow if you want to go out he said are you going to eat i said to him yes are you he said yes you make me want to eat i said i do k lets talk about something else he said yeah lets talk about something else (10 mins later) here is your home he said thanks i said hey thank about it and tell me tomorrow he said (blowing me a kiss and all i hear is no blowing kisses at my baby girl) dad no do not call me that i just got done making fun of him cuz his mom called him baby boy at school i said (he got to his home and said to his friend) bro she ask me how she looked and i said you look beautiful but in my mind i was singing when i see you face there's not a thing that i would change cause girl you're amazing just the way you are and when you smile the whole world stops and stares for a while cause girl you're amazing just the way you are Casen said that is so cute Tate said.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sorry this is my first time write a book

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