Part 2

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      "Help, please..." He takes a deep breath. "Food, water?" He reaches down feeling around in his pocket shaking. After a few minutes of silence he pulls out what looks like a fog bomb, lighting it and waiting for it to go off. When it goes off he pulls out a knife trying to attack a student.The student was you. Once again the guy you like that's on the football team (his name), finds a big rock starting to throw it at the guy. Eventually he knocks the guy out and looks at you smiling and he walks away. As you walk away you think about talking to him in private when you get the chance when walking with the rest of the group you catch up with him and tap on his shoulder. He notices it's you and then you stop walking and wait for everyone else to pass you. He does the same.

      "Hey (your name) what's up?" You think he stammers because he was shaken up about what had just happened. You look around making sure no one else was paying attention.

      "Well (his name), I just sorta kinda wanted to thank you for saving my life." You look down while talking. After you say that your cheeks along with his cheeks turn a light pink getting warm. You begin to walk away when he reaches for your arm.

      "Wait (your name)!" He hugs you by your waist. You reach up hugging him around his neck. His other teammates started "coughing" and he pulled away from you. He walked to his teammates and they immediately started laughing including him. You walk back over to your best friend (her name). The group begins to speed up again, the sun was starting to set. After about 10 minutes of walking corn fields started to appear again on either side of the road. It was fall time so they had already been picked. Just a few more minutes later there was a building up ahead. It looked like some sort of barn which the outer coating could have been burnt off.  


*Authors note*

I'm sorry this part is a little shorter than the 1st part. Sorry if this isn't very interesting so far. I promise in the next part that it will be more interesting. Also I am getting my first laptop for Christmas which is in like two weeks and I'll be able to update my stories more. But I love all of you guys and have a nice day until the next update. Remember to....




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