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Days have passed, everyone was busy with their own works. Nickhun was still working with the case he's handling. It was the first major case he ever handled so he had to win it. He and Tiffany rarely see each other these days. A phonecalls or text messages would be their only communication and sometimes, he forgot to call her at night because he has to sleep already. Tiffany was a very understanding girlfriend. But sometimes it annoys her so much. She badly wanted to see her boyfriend but also her, was busy. She was assigned to be one of the Veterinarians to be part of an animal health program.

The brunette caressed the fluffy fur of her dog. It was 8 in the morning and still didn't get any messages or calls from Nickhun. Tiffany decided to have a shower and to get ready for work. She put aside her dog and leapt up from her bed.

Then she heard a knock from her apartment's door. Tiffany smiled brightly. You're going to get it from me, Nick. Another knock but now it was louder. "Wait up!" She ran towards the door. With the mixed of excitement, she didn't bother to look at the peephole.

Her eye-smile vanished away.

A certain black-haired girl standing there coolly with her left hand slipped inside her pocket and the other holding a paper bag. Taeyeon showed up the paper bag in front of Tiffany's face. "Breakfast." She said, wagging it.

Her tummy grumbled by the delicious smell of the food. She clasped at her tummy and smiled awkwardly. "Come in." She said. Tiffany doesn't have any idea why would Nickhun's snobby sister would bring her breakfast.

Taeyeon brought out the foods to the dining table whilst Tiffany was quietly watching her. She then separated the four kinds of foods. She pushed the melted chocolate bread, a cup of green salad, and a hot chocolate to Tiffany who was sitting across her. Then Taeyeon sat down.

Tiffany didn't say anything. She sipped at her hot chocolate.

"Oppa told me to bring all these." Taeyeon said. She shoved a spoonful of ice cream inside her mouth like a kid.

Tiffany looked at Taeyeon and nodded slowly. "Thanks." A smile crept upon her face. Silence followed. Tiffany thought that this was the right time to have a talk with Taeyeon and to know her more. She cleared her throat. "I haven't introduced myself properly. I'm Hwang Tiffany."

"I know your name and you already know mine." Said Taeyeon who was still busy eating her ice cream. Not bothering to look at the brunette.

Tiffany scoffed inaudibly. She squinted her eyes at Taeyeon, trying to kill the woman in front of her by sending death glare.

"Stop looking at me like that." Taeyeon said. She opened a cup of yogurt and ate it.

"Listen Taey-" Her words cut off by the knocks on her door. She sighed. She took a last glance Taeyeon and stood up to see who it was.

"Jessie! Sooyoung!"

Taeyeon's forehead crumpled as she heard Tiffany's high pitch voice. She agreed to Nickhun to bring breakfast for Tiffany but she didn't expect that Tiffany was having a visitors. She would really be extra silent.

"So..." Sooyoung stopped her track as she saw a unfamiliar person eating there. "Yah, Tiffany! You didn't tell us you have a visitor!" She stuck out her head back to Tiffany.

She didn't tell me either. Taeyeon thought.

"Well, the more the merrier!" Sooyoung exclaimed. She sat beside Taeyeon. "Annyeong, I'm Choi Sooyoung. Tiffany's co-worker."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2016 ⏰

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