The argument

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6 months...6Whole months of pretending to love one another and i've never been more exsaughsted in my life. Me and Ramin were bombarded with questions where ever we went. Interview,meals, cinemas,stagedoor. It was all getting too much. The lying and trying to stick to the same story. I was getting fed up but i had gained more fans which meant i was getting noticed. I had been offered three more jobs to line me up for the next two years which was exciting.

I watched Ramin from the side of the stage as he belted the last note of till i hear you sing. We were in Paris, the city of love which Hadley never forgot to mention. I knew i was in Paris and i knew i was in love. The only problem was the man i loved thought i was pretending. The crowd erupted into applause as he finished the song and me and Hadley joined him on stage. We all took our bows and the crowd started shouting for me and Ramin to sing all i ask of you. We laughed as Hadley took the microphone.

"Sing it. Sing it. Sing it. Sing it."Hadley started chanting, getting the audience involved. He smirked and handed me back the microphone.

"What do you say Love? One last song?" Ramin asked me.

"I don't know. They have already heard me and Hadley sing it tonight. I don't think they would want to hear it again" I joked.

"Hey, we can at least let him try and sing it better than me" Hadley joked.

"I was Raoul before you were mate..." Ramin joked back.

"Ramin can you not mug me off in front of all my fans please" He winked to us and then the audience.

"JUST SING THE DAMN SONG" Hadley shouted before Ramin could reply to his previous remark. I laughed and told the orchestra to start playing.

We came to the end of the song and me and Ramin kissed as the characters do. The crowd erupted into cheers as we walked hand in hand off stage. Ramin kissed my cheek as he walked to Hadley.

"Hey mate. Am i still ok to use the room for tonight.?"

"Yeh sure. Im just going to kip with Sierra"

"Excuse me?" Hadley laughed as he put his arm around me.

"We are having a sleepover Sie"

"Who says? And why arnt you stopping with Ramin?"

"Ramin has a date hes bringing to my room for a meal. So i need a place to stay. And you love me so you know you will let me"

"You're going on a date?" I asked a little sad.

"So is that an i can stay or..."

"Yeh. Shes lovely. Met her a few days ago"

"Have you forgotten we are meant to be dating. If you start bringing random girls back who knows what will happen" I argued. Ramin lookrd angry.

"Im not stupid Sierra. I know what im doing. Im careful about it." He snapped at me.

"I can find another room if its not ok Sierra"

"And what if you let slip that you are pretending to be my boyfriend and she tells everyone. She might be a fan who knows you are dating me and she wants to see if you will cheat. You don't know this girl" i argued back.

"I can see you're in a bad mood so im going to book another hotel room for the night" i cut Hadley off.

"No. You can stay Hadley. I will need a real friend around me tonight" i said as i looked at Ramin.

"Grow up Sierra. Stop been pathetic. Anyone would think you're jelous."

"No i just want to keep my carreer"

"No you want the fans for the money" Ramin replied back. I felt anger rage through me as i slapped him around the cheek and ran of crying. Hadley quickly following behind me. For the rest of the night i found myself cuddling with Hadley facetiming his girlfriend and ranting about Ramin. No longer was i in love.

Ramins pov:

So i met the girl and turns out she was exactly what Sierra said. A fan trying to find if id cheat. I covered it up by saying we were on a break and she left. I said the worst things to Sierra and now she probably hates me. I could of lost ny best friend for some girl. I needed to sort things out. And quickly. Before things turn worse than they already are.

A "Fake" loveWhere stories live. Discover now