Chapter 19

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Okay so... I noticed something odd happened. For whatever reason chapter 17 never posted. I just realized my mistake last night and it has been fixed. I'm unsure of how that happened because I am certain I posted it. I always love posting these chapters each Friday! But yes, I posted chapter 17 last night and reposted chapter 18 right after. So feel free to read chapter 17 if you feel you missed some of the story!!:) Thank you all so much for reading and please enjoy this lovely chapter! Excitement will be happening soon!


Clayva steps into Ryker's study with a glum expression plastered upon her thin lips. She shuts the door behind her after stepping through the threshold. Amaya has gone to her room after the two had eaten their meal. She wanted some alone time which he can completely understand. He can picture her drawing or painting in her room before she prepares herself for bed. He loves to watch her as she become entranced with whatever art work she is currently working on.

"You wanted to see me?" Clayva asks as she sits down. Her tone is annoyed and not at all the respectful tone Ryker is accustomed to. The only person other than Amaya who could get away with speaking to him in this manner is Clayva.

"I did," Ryker confirms. He averts his attention from the plans he had been studying. Someone from the meeting had drawn out the attack plan on paper. Ryker is final checking all of the details. He now turns his attention back to Clayva.

Clayva is a beautiful woman. Her hair is a dark red; her lips are nearly the same shade. Her eyes are typically described as an emerald green, but in her past lives Amaya would describe them differently. "They are green, the colour of nature, of calm peace. Her eyes are not the colour of a hard cold gem stone, but instead they are the beautiful first leaves of the new spring." She has described this to him while painting a picture of the two together.

Amaya always seemed to find beauty in things his keen eyes couldn't pick up.

"Clayva," Ryker sighs as he rubs his temple. "Your cold attitude towards her won't help her remember anything. It will only make things harder for all of us especially her." He can understand why Clayva is so upset but he must make her understand the situation.

"That girl in there is not Rayya," Clayva says instantly. "She may look like her, sound like her, she may even somewhat act like her, but she is not the woman I knew." Rayya is the nickname Clayva used to call Merayya.

"Clayva we've had this discussion before," Ryker attempt to keep his voice level. "She and I have both explained to you of our curse, and we have both told you what it means for her. She doesn't truly die, her memories and feelings all return to her."

Ryker watches as something snaps within Clayva. "You also swore to me that the curse has ended! You also promised me she would live forever, that her eternal life has finally come."

"We did not deceive you Clayva that was meant to be her eternal life. But as you are well aware someone has changed that."

"You don't have to explain what I already know of, no matter what you say it doesn't make this any easier." Clayva takes a shaky deep breath, "It doesn't make seeing her any easier."

Ryker knows all too well how Clayva feels. He recalls how Amaya had starred at him with pure horror and hatred. It must be difficult for Clayva to see the woman who saved her life, and to have that woman look at her as if she were a stranger.

"Clayva I promise you someday soon all of her memories will return. You must have patience." Ryker looks at the woman before him, so strong yet so broken. The memory of first meeting Clayva surfaces in his mind.

It happened during Amaya's previous life Merayya. That is the life that is supposed to be her final one. Corden and his family made sure to disturb their peace.

Merayya have wandered out into the night. It is snowing lightly in the kingdom. In all of her lives, she has always been drawn to beauty. Ryker follows behind her. He remains out of her sight knowing she wants to be alone. Of course she know he was there watching over her, she didn't mind it too much. Nothing can happen to her with him close by.

Merayya travels into the surrounding woods; she hasn't gone in too far when she notices the dark red splotches on the fresh white snow. The moment Ryker notices the blood, he appears at her side. The blood is that of a human, not an animal.

"You have to return to the castle," Ryker insists as he scanned the area. He doesn't like the thought of her being anywhere near to danger, especially since she is pregnant with their child. They are so close to an eternal life together, if they can just wait out these last few months he could turn her. But Merayya refuses to return to the safety their hoe provided.

Instead she follows the trail of bloody snow. Ryker knows he couldn't change her mind; she is stubborn in that way. He walks alongside her as they continue their careful search.

When they came upon the body lying in the snow, Merayya immediately rushes to that person's side. She crouches down beside the woman who let out a pained groan. If Merayya has been there alone then she wouldn't have seen the dark shape leap out from the trees. It lunges for her, his fangs bared. Ryker grabs the vampire male around the neck and stares at the person's face. The Vampire's eyes widen in recognition just before Ryker snaps his neck and tears off his head.

"There may be more with him. Merayya, we have to go," Ryker reaches down to pull her up but she resists him. Ryker looks finally at the woman lying on the ground. Her dark red hair is a tangled mess. Several messy and deep bite marks wounds her neck. Her face is bruised and she looks extremely thin. Her clothing is ripped and barely covered her in some places.

Ryker often wonders that if he had found the girl while by himself, then would he still have saved her. Would he have left her to die?

The girl lets out a choked sound and she barely manages a pleading "Help me." Merayya stares up at him with pleading eyes.

"Merayya, I can't just turn every person you find wounded," Ryker says after a moment of silence.

"Fine then," Merayya says coldly. "Go back home and find me someone who will help me." She removes her scarf and began tying it around the wounded woman's neck lightly. There is another wound on her stomach. Merayya removes her coat and placed it over the bleeding area. She watches with teary eyes as her once white fur coat stained red with the dying girl's blood.

"Merayya-" Ryker cut himself off. He looks down at the girl once more.

"What are you still doing here? Go!" Merayya shouts at him. Her voice is shaky as she spoke.

"If she can't control it, if she gives into her hunger... I will kill her if you don't." After those words, Ryker removes the scarf from the girl's neck. He gives her one final bite wound.

The two brought Clayva back to the castle.

Ryker cuts off his memories at this point. The next section of Clayva's story is too much for him to bear at this moment. He can't picture how much Merayya struggles to help Clayva control her new found vampiric ability, and the hunger.

"Talk to her Clayva," Ryker says after a few heavy moments of silence. "Talk to her and help her remember. If you aren't going to offer any assistance or you're only going to raise complications, then please feel free to leave."

Clayva stands up. It appears as if she is trying to decide what to say or what to do.

"Your friend is still in their Clayva," Ryker says as she turns to leave the room. "She saved you, and you nearly killed her for it... Now help her." He hears the door shut quietly a moment later, Clayva left without saying a word.

Ryker doesn't have the time to dwell on Amaya and Clayva's friendship. He has a battle to prepare for and a King to kill. He will help sort everything else out between those two when this is all over.

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