A palace of sand

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No where exactly are we gonna find her ,my ghost took control of the ship,jumping though space making our way to the tower

Well if last said she wants to stay and protect ,so yeah most likely the tower,answering the question we noted one thing

Its been years since we've been there how different do you think it looks different ,i mentioned

It probably does and but people will be the same ,we finely landed

Hey amanda holiday can we take shipment here ,i pulled up the radio

I recognized the ship and that voice anywhere ,well ill be damned its Terrance ,she chuckled allowing us in

Walking out of the docking into the court yard of the tower i looked around a festive theme ,snowflakes all around everyone on break kinda

we strolled over to the vanguard hall,seeing the same head vanguard warlock Ikora ray,hunter cayde-6,and titan commander zavala ,besides zavala was her ,for any angle i knew it was her,the short hair ,awoken sky blue skin, its like she never changed only her armor

i coughed alittle getting everyones attention,all 4 of them their eyes on us a hunter than just "abandon" his post and a exo with is arm ripped off

umm hi every one been a long time, i tried to break the silence, immediately the rage in her eyes

not a single call not a visit and not even a goodbye from you, abe siding with her but he tried to avoid this

tears began to shed as she threw punches and me just dodging them all, jesus Dezz stop swinging and use your words,i tried all could to calm her down

you left and you show up thinking we'll have open arms for you,she screamed triping on my own cloak i fell back she had the drop on me

destiny please ,he did leave us but he is back isnt that what matters,she was going for the knock out punch mid swing abe just place his hand on her shoulder

in the days of being needed she was unstoppable moving mountains,wielding the hammer of sol ,but all that and here she is on her knees crying because of me

i dont know who feels worse me or her ,i stood by her

why are you here Terrence if its ,she asked whiping her tears

thats a later story but right now lets get you up and catch up alittle ,i helped her up as abe went to get him self fixed with ikora

we started to stroll around talking about all years that went by ,how she did all these missions ,taking down the fallen from taking the vex technology the new armor she got ,and me

i couldn't speak of my adventures for i didnt have any i roamed the soloar system and did nothing ,like a tourist on each different planet

in the little court yard we leaned on the rail,i stared into the distance ,thinking about the adventure we had the 3 of us , we concurred so much yet something so little broke us apart

remember the good old days ,i mentioned ,remembering the old days we were lovers it was like the ultimate power couple

but i didnt mean those days i want to go back to the last city looking up to us where we just put up the sheild and all signs of danger didnt harm us

you see what i meant by a small thing breaking us ,oryx couldnt do it we had our backs taking him down ,atheon together it was like unplugging a lamp from the wall ,but it was i hearing the city say they didnt need us anymore ,even though there were task to ensure the true safety of the city i said no to it ,i wanted treasures ,i wanted the loot, to sit on a thrown of gold and be a king but all my friend out of the picture what was i gonna be the king of ,nothing but dirt

We broke away because of my selfishness,but ive come to mend the wound i have left

Dezz i need a favor ,it requires the 3 of u...,going to exsplain the whole thing i simple cut off by her getting a update

Hold on our scouts got something out in mars , she pulled her ghost out listening to a radio recording

I stood by and listen on it aswell ,

*static*mars*static*meridian bay *static*vex *static*cabal....ahhhhhhh

After a scream it went to nothing we stood , ghost find the cordinates where that recording was taken,i took my ghost out aswell

Scanning now ,merdian bay mars,as soon as he finisjed we left took her ship straight to mars

Checking my guns i refilled the ammo on my shadow price auto rifle and chaperone shotgun

Dezz noticed my choice in weapons ,why must you use a branded wepon that not even the vanguard know about ,i chuckled puting my helmit on and pulling my hood over

Ghost take the ship and get us close to the location ,cabal hut hard when it comes to knocking they're enemys out of the air

We jumped out of the ship into the blanket of sand that coverd mars,the waves and waves hilled on top of each other

We walked and head to the cordinates,we walked for what felt like nearly days

Coming across the biggest building that wast coverd in sand we fought our way to the top

We stood there ,looking around a vew if sand and buried city ,no enemy around

Gurdians theres a signal close by i dycripted its from rasputin the warmind from earth ,and it seems like a SOS,i pulled my ghost fallowing it to a terminal

Once im it ,breaking the firewall the failsafe will go off ,i nodded

Its fine we'll be ready it ,dez said immediately
I looked at her as if something was off i dont wanna asume it
But she was her

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