First Contact

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She had beauty, that much was certain. A face like an angel that lit up like a star in the night. She was bright, bright like the moon when it was in its full most loving state. Nothing can bring her down, she is too high. Nothing can dim her light she shines too bright. Nothing can stop her she is unstoppable. Nothing can hold her she is uncontrollable. Her will is unbreakable from the scars of her past and her mind is untouchable. She is the Moon, she is the Stars.

She sits in the Heart of the Universe; and smiles.

She is the Center of all.

The Heart.

"Would you like another cup of tea miss?" the cafe server asked gently, "Yes please, no sugar this time." the Lady smiled warmly as the cool ocean breeze kicked up to blow her hair into her face. She chuckled, brushing the hair from her face.

"Seems like a windy day today, eh Miss?" the server smiled again as he placed the porcelain tea cup before the charming young woman.

"Yes, it usually is this close to the sea." she giggled as the server blushed at his own small talk.

"I rather like it though, I love the wind." she nodded making the man blush and nod in return before retreating to his other customers.

"Good to see you alive and well, Elky." A man's voice made the Lady look up.

"Is that even your real name?" the man's eyebrow rose playfully. He meant her no harm and his voice showed it.

"No, but please continue to call me that please" she smiled warmly.

"What brings you back? I thought you were taking the girl and leaving?" the man pulled up a chair to sit with the Lady.

"I did, you don't think I brought my daughter with me do you? She still has a lot to learn. I'm here because I've taken up sort of Piracy. I'm called Syren by my crew, I lead their enemies to bad luck." she winked and chuckled at the thought. She went from being an Elk to a Mermaid in the people's eyes.

"So will I ever get to meet her?"

"You gonna leave the tramp you dumped me for?"

"That's a no."

"That, my once love, is a 'Hell No'"

The Lady's smile was sweet and gentle but no less stern and dangerous.

"I thought 'Elky' didn't hold grudges?"

"Syren does." she said simply, taking her leave.

"Jeez," the man sighed "Sir, your bill?" the server gave the man the Lady's bill making him groan. She'd left him with her bill. She really wasn't the same gentle elk whose heart he'd broken so long ago....

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