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I don't know why I keep talking to you.
I don't like people but...
You seem different.
delivered 2:07 am

I mean, who would be friends with a maniac stalker that observes people all the time?
Me. I do.
I could have just stopped talking to you
delivered 2:12 am

Or blocked you.
Or called the cops.
(Which I'm pretty sure Dave did)
Anyway, the thing is... I don't know why I don't want to stop talking to you.
delivered 2:15 am

And I really, REALLY want to meet you
Even though you could be a rapist
Or a serial killer
Or a well-trained assassin.

Spy: Babygirl, I'm a well-train serial assassin.
A fictional one.
That's a lot to say about me... I'm an actor.
Now please, go to sleep, babygirl.

...this became 300% creepier so quickly.
read 2:20 am

I see you, babygirl » S.S.Where stories live. Discover now