Chapter 11: Suffering Insanity

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"Come on." I pleaded with time as I flew. Apparently Julia had managed to get much further than I had anticipated. I was already nearly at HQ and there had been no sign of her. The sun was already high in the sky, signaling midday, but the Academy seemed unnaturally quiet.

I landed in the yard in front of the stadium, which had covered its transparent dome. I looked around in search of clues as to where anyone could be. Then I saw it. A falcon, with two broken wings, lay barely conscious on the table in front of me. The once magnificent bird of prey looked at me, gave one squawk, and was still.

"Damn it." I thought, running into the stadium. This was definitely where Julia was. I entered the inside of the stadium to tumultuous applause. All of the Academy's students and graduates were sitting amongst the stands, cheering my arrival. "What are they on about?" I thought, a little confused by the setting.

Then I heard a gunshot. I turned and saw Julia in the center of the stage, her back turned to me. Then she fell, seemingly in slow motion, onto the ground sideways. And in her place, I saw Commander Raptor Raiden standing there, holding a gun with barrel still smoking. "Welcome Timothy. Are you ready for your execution?"

"Execution?" I seethed as Super 11 encased my body. Julia's head was leaking blood in copious amounts and she wasn't moving. "I don't know, but you are getting yours right now whether you're ready or not!" I screamed as I drew my machete and pointed it at him.

"Is that so?" Commander Raiden smirked lightly. "Would you like to hear the full story before you die? It would be a shame to let the audience down when they dedicated so much of their time to be here."

"Quit stalling!" I shouted, not bothering to listen to any of his excuses. Julia's body on the ground was all I needed to see or hear for me to kill him. As I charged at Commander Raiden, I suddenly felt a great weight on my right leg, causing me to fall over. I looked back to see a chain around my leg, connected to the ground.

"Now, let's be a civilized society here." Commander Raiden said calmly. I looked at him and saw that he had one of those chains as well. "We will fight after I explain. Deal?"

Still overcome by anger, I said nothing, so the Commander went ahead. "I'm pretty sure that you've heard the story of the female death flu by now. A disease that rid the world of women. Brought about by an accursed God on a whim of the moment. When I found out that my niece was immune to that disease, I devised a plan to give her the most humane death possible, given that her fate was decided at the moment that the God arrived. One in which she would be able to have her hopes, her dreams, and the illusion of being able to pursue them. Thus, I created this war by using my Mechanon to occupy Afro-Eurasia. The incident with the Mechanon kings really helped create that image."

"Why not just kill her then, instead of giving her those hopes and dreams for her to lose later?" I snarled, my rage not being quelled in the slightest. Everything around me seemed fuzzy and tinged with red.

"It's not that I wouldn't have preferred that route. I will explain it a bit later on." Commander Raiden said before resuming his story. "Fixing the problem wasn't going to satisfy the cries of humanity's agony. We had to get revenge on that God, and He was dumb enough to let us know how. Naturally, the God had His own reasons for being here. He wanted to have the boy with the number 11 ingrained in his body."

"Me? This God did this to get me?" I thought, still chained to the ground. I sensed a faint heartbeat with my ear on the ground from where Julia was lying, which meant that she was still alive. If she still lives, then there was still a chance. Still a glimmer of hope.

"Then imagine how I felt when I found out that the boy in question was the same one that my niece had dragged through the doorstep a couple of years earlier. I wasn't going to just kill you simply because of how risky it was. But now, the circumstances are more favorable." Commander Raiden said, snapping his fingers. The chains around both of our legs shattered, allowing me to scramble back to my feet.

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