Just a Dream?

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Edith's P.O.V

This guy..... he's a knight. And he's lost in the woods. " How did you even get in the woods... Ace. " I glared at him.
"Well it all started with just a simple shortcut. " He laughs.
" ... Alright lets just try to get out of here. " I sigh. I want to see more than just trees and dirt. Even though they were beautiful I want to explore more. " Ace. " 
"Hm? "
" Can you tell me a little more about this place? " I smile at him trying to calm things down between us. 
" Sure! You're in Wonderland the country of madness! "
" Madness? A good or bad madness. "
" Sometimes good and sometimes bad. "
Sometimes good and sometimes bad? I don't get it. How could a place named Wonderland have bad madness? " Can you tell me a little bit more about the people here please Mr. Ace. " I ask
" Sure. Here we go by rules and faces. The ones with no faces don't have any roles- "
" What exactly is a role? "
Ace chuckled a bit although I don't know why. " A role is a job.. an important job and personality. You got it? "
" Yes! A important job and personality. "
" Good. Every one must follow the rules or else they will get punished from the queen.. At least they say that to scare people. For a heads up don't get into any fights here. A young madam like you would get shot here. "
" What?! " Shot? Meaning shot with a gun?!
" Hm.. I worded that a bit harsh.. " Ace chuckled a bit " Some people in Wonderland is a bit... crazy. So just be careful! " He winked at me.  " One more thing. We don't go by time. We go by periods. So if you see the sky switch settings don't freak. Night could come first then evening then morning. "
" O-Okay... " What a weird dream... I look around. I think I see a opening in the bushes.. I look closer and see town! Finally town! " Oh! Mr. Ace! I think I see the town! " I look at him bug-eyed. 
" Really! Wow! That's a new record! " He smiles.
" Huh? "
" Hahaha! The fastest I've ever got out of the woods! " He smiled. 
" Okay...? Just follow me okay! " I say taking the knights hand and marching out. Once we march out of the large forest we go into the vast town. It was so pretty... The buildings were light colors, the children were smiling and laughing, and the sun was shining bright. I don't see what Ace is saying... This place didn't look a bit like madness! It looked wholesome. " Wow... " I say as my eyes sparkle. Radiantly I hurried and walked through the towns paths. I heard Ace speak " Sl-Slow down there! "
" Hurry up slow poke! " I tease. " Wow.... " Afar I see a very enchanting castle. It really was like I was in a fairy tale. I hear Ace catch up with me. Panting. " E-Edith.. I almost got l- "
" Is that where you work Mr. Ace! " I ask. Ace then looks what I was looking at.
" Yep! That dump over there! " He points.
" Dump?! It is no dump... It is a fantasy.. " I dose off into my own little fantasy.
" Wow, You've never seen a castle before? " He asks. I think putting my finger on my lip. Oh! 
" I've seen one on a picture! It was London's Castle but it wasn't so vibrant as this one! " I smile.
" Lon...don? " Ace had trouble pronouncing the word.
I giggle a bit at his hard efforts " Yep! London. "
" Tell me more about London. "
" Hmm... Well. London is where i'm from.. Obviously no where near here. " I thought more. " I live... " I then pointed at the sky " Up there. London is not as light and colorful as here but it sure is pretty... "
" Hm... Sounds interesting! Do they have any rules? " He looked appealed.
" Yep! We have laws.. like rules. Like don't run around naked or... Sell things without a license! " I say. 
" Wow... That's cool! "
" Not as cool as here.. Hey! You think you can take me to that castle one day Ace? " I ask.
Ace laughed " Sure thing! I bet Vivaldi, Our Queen, will be happy to see you! " He smiled.
" Really! That's just amazing! " I say. 
" It is isn't it. Well. I think I have to return to work. Nice to meet you Edith! " He bowed.
I curtsy to him " I hope we meet again Sir. Ace! "
" We will trust me. Wonderland is a small country! And please. Call me Ace! " He gave me a thumbs up. 
I smiled " Okay! "
" Bye! " He started walking off. 
" Bye! Don't get lost! " I say a bit worried. 
" I'll try not too! " He soon vanishes out of my eyesight. I look around so many things to do... What do I do first? Well..., I don't have any money with me... Or shelter. Oh no, What do I do?!  Okay okay Edith calm down... I'll just ask someone who works in a shop or something. I decide to go into an ice creme parlor and go ask. " Ex-Excuse me... " I say kinda shy. The shop manager turned to me. He was a guy with light brown hair and hazel eyes, " Welcome to Dd's Ice creme Parlor What may I get for you today! " He sung.
" Act-Actually I came here to ask for help if you dont mind... "
" Not at all my dear! What is it? "
" Well.. You see I just arrived here. "
" Oh! You're an outsider! Wow, We rarely get those! "
" Oh really haha! But.. I was just wondering if you know a lace I could stay.. possibly for free? "
" Oh yes ma'am! The clock tower! All you have to do is ask the gloomy clock maker and he'll get you a room! " He smiles.
" Oh! Thank you! "
" Here. Let me heat you up a sandwich and some soup while I ge you a map! You must be hungry from your adventure! " He smiled. I felt my stomach. It was growling.
" Oh, Sir! You do not have too! "
" No no! I want to. It will be for free! My name is Nathan by the way! "
" Nathan... What a pleasant name! " I smile
" Thank you! Please have a seat so I can get you served. "
" Okay. Thank you Nathan! " I take a seat while he heats up my food. This place must be more than an ice creme parlor. I look around. Ace was right.. There were no faces on these people literally. Just there mouth and eyebrows.... It was kinda creepy but i'll get used to it. " Here you go Miss. Edith! " Nathan said handing me a warm plate with a sandwich and a bowl of pea soup.
" Ah! Thank you kind Sir! " I bow a bit in my seat.
" No problem! Now here is the map! " He then hands me a map of Wonderland. Nathan pulls a chair up to me. " Sooo you're here. " He points on the map. " You have to go here! " He drags his finger all the way to a tower not too far away. It was about 2 miles away. " If you need any more help just call me up okay ma'am! " He smiles.
" Oh, thank you so much! My name is Edith Liddell by the way! "
" Oh! Well, nice to meet you miss Edith! You have a girl just like you here! "
" Ah, I heard. " I smile knowing he's talking about my sister.
" Mmhm! I have to get back to work now. Nice to meet you Miss. Edith! " e bows and went back to his work. I finish up my warm supper and started my journey to the clock tower. I see the sky switch to night. So this was what Ace was talking about. I look up and see the dazzling stars. There were so many and they were so beautiful... I just wanted to look there forever but I stilll kept Sir. Ace's words in mind. There are still crazy people here and I don't want to die in this dream... I keep walking and feel a nice breeze go through my hair. I hear the sound of the leaves hitting each other and falling down to the ground. Fall is coming. I could tell. Finally. I've made it to Mr. Julius's tower. The gate was opened so I helped myself to his door bell hoping not to disturb him.

Ding Dong~!

The door bell sung. It took a moment for him to answer to I rung it again.

Ding Dong~!

It sung again. I finally heard some steps coming to the door. I stood up straight putting my chin up. The door finally opened. Julius was shown. He had long dark wavy blue hair, dark blue eyes, a long black fancy trench coat, and a light green dress shirt with a yellow vest with fancy desighs on there. One peculiar thing about Mr. Julius was he had clocks on him. One huge hanging on the side of his hips and one acting as a short necklace along his neck. He had a face so he must've been important. He spoke " Who are you? "
" Oh-Oh! I'm sorry for my staring Sir! My name is Edith Liddell and I was- "
" Edith Liddell? " He interrupted me. 
" Yes... "
" Are you related to Alice Liddell? "
" Yes! "
" Who brought you here? " He asked as if he was shocked.
" The thing is I don't know. I got pushed... "
" Pushed? Please Miss. Liddell come in. " He said opening his door fully. I walked in. The first thing I saw was his desk filled with papers. There were  two brown couches facing each other  and in the middle a knee high long wooden table. I sat on a couch and the clock man sat on the other facing me. He spoke " You don't remember anything about who pushed you? "
" All I remember is a cracky laugh and red hair. "
" ... Did he have a face? "
" Mmm I don't know. I know he had a black hat though. "
" Did it have like a logo on top? "
" I'm sorry Mr. Julius. I don't remember... All I know is that none of this is real and I'm in a dream! " I chuckle. " I'll wake up pretty soon and move into my h- "
" Edith... This isn't a dream. " Julius's looked me straight in the eye. He looked serious. 
" Sure it is! " I laugh a bit. He is just imaginary... Right? 
" Edith.. If this was a dream. You wouldn't be thinking. "
" ... " He does kinda make a point but there is no way.. all of this could be real! Am underground fantasy world? " I need more evidence... " I say still not believing him. He sighed getting a coffee cup on the small tables next to the couch. " Hold this. " He says holding it out to me. I reach to get it and old it in my hand... It was warm. I panic and carefully set the coffee down. This... actually might be real. Julius spoke again. " I'm sorry to inform you Edith but you got kidnapped into this world. Outsiders are very rare and you're one of them. Did you possibly get a bottle with a heart cap? "
" No? "
" Did you drink any pink liquid? "
" No... "
" The you did not get entered into the game... " A game? What game? 
" Eh? " I was puzzled. 
"Edith Liddell. Your sister Alice Liddell is here. She thought it was a dream at first she freaked when she found out it was real. If you want to get out of here... Then you must finish the game. "
" Well... What is the game? "
Julius sighed. " All your questions will be resolved when you go to sleep. "
" What?! " What was this guy talking about? Did I come to the right tower... My sister. She is here and I want to meet her. 
" Miss. Liddell here. " Julius offers me a key. I'm assuming it is a key to a room. " You'll need t trust me. Go up stairs and go all the way to the last room. That will be your shelter as of right now. " Julius says. I decide to follow his crazy directions. It did sound odd but I need answers... As I walk upstairs I could hear my echo. This place was quite empty... Finally I get to my room and turn on the light. It was a simple room with a queen bed. The walls were light blue with one small window with blinds and there were two tables next to the bed. One with an alarm clock and one with some book. There was a little room to the bathroom and a small closet. The space could only fit one person. I close and lock the door. I'll just call it a night... Wondering what will happen to me when I'll fall asleep... Will I get all the answers?


Okay! I haven't updated this story for a while but one of m pet peeves is to not finish a story. ((unbelievable right? )) I suddenly got this excitement for this story and more updates will be up soon! How did you like this chapter btw? Was it boring? 

Thanks for reading! :D


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