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I gotta say, I never did intend to start a story for everyone to enjoy while running for my life, but of course somethings just don't work out like you'd expect them to. 

Now just as a clarification, when I say running for my life, I mean RUNNING. Not hiding. I wish I was hiding or chilling out somewhere but its hard to do that when you are trying to escape from inter-dimensional shadows that can jump anywhere through space and try to grab you from behind.

I'm not actually sure what started this if I'm going to be honest, and I don't quite know why I decided to make a tale about it. Guess that just happens sometimes. 

If I remember correctly, It started when I thought I saw a girl change. Now understand this, I'm not a perv, so when I say change I don't mean clothes. I was simply walking around my school, trying to get to my next class when her face... shifted. I was spooked, but of course I just brushed it off with the idea that it was just a trick of the eyes.

But then it happened again. And again. And again. Over and over with a small set of the same people. Normally they looked like any normal person, but the flashes.. the flashes made them look like they were sick. Really sick. Pale and gaunt and not something I can really put down to any specific disease. The freakiest part though, was their eyes. Thats the thing, you see, they didn't have any. Just empty sockets. 

I kept it to myself for a while, but the things I was seeing seemed to get worse. One day, I ended up bumping into one of the girls that kept shifting between a shadow and a normal human, and I got sent on a trip down what I believe was memory lane somewhere deep in its twisted head. 

Midnight darkness, cobbled streets, and dirty, dripping water sliding down walls and off of slanted roofs. Candlelight flickered and flitted behind warped panes of glass and desolated wooden shacks. The full moon barely peeked its silvery form over the stacked storm clouds but it was still bright enough to partially light the cobbled streets. Where was I? A scream rang out and a cascade of quick steps appeared from around the corner, belonging to a small form. It was a little girl, no older than twelve running from something, no, someone, in an old tattered dress of stitched together rags. 

I tried to call out to the girl and warn her as her pursuer gained on her, but it was to late and she let loose a cry as she was pounced on. I reached out and tried to yell for help, but my own voice choked me and I was unable to move my feet. All I could do was watch, helpless and defeated, as the girl was attacked and her blood splattered across the wet cobble, only to remain there until the oncoming rain washed it away. 

Snap! Suddenly I was back, shaken and so disoriented I went reeling sideways into the lockers next to me. Shooting me a sickly sweet smile, the monster I had brushed against asked me if I was okay. I didn't answer her and I pushed myself off the wall and past her, careful not to touch her again. I started to stagger towards my next class, passing a window and scaring myself worse than anything those monsters could have with only my reflection. 

Pale, clammy, cold, sick. I couldn't understand for a moment, and then it clicked. I didn't understand what seemed so obvious.

People always say that monsters aren't real. But that isn't true. All you have to do is look closely at some people and you'll see it.

I needed to get away from here.

Run from the monsters.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2016 ⏰

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