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Everyone thought I had died. I thought I was a goner myself. New scientific technology helped me. Who knew science could evolve to regenerating a dead body to life?

I was in a lab as they were undergoing tests on me. I think they're still overwhelmed by the fact this had worked. They're trying to keep this in the lowdown as it's new, and although people have tried to find many ways to increase life, it just wasn't possible. Until now. But I managed to escape their high surveillance facilities. For a good reason, though. I need to find my son. He's been missing for over a week. One week after the successful experiment that was done on me.   Nathan told me. He's the only one that knows. Apart from the other girl needed. Apparently, one day he just disappeared. That's how I ended up in my old home. This is where I should've stayed. I should've looked after them. But I had no choice. I was sick. Terribly sick. With this rare, incurable disease. They said I'd die, that there was no denying it. So I did what I thought was right. Knowing you're going to die soon really affects your thinking process. And that's why I believed if I made the people who love me to hate me then it wouldn't be so hard for them when I'm gone. Worst decision really.

I ran up to his bedroom, taking two steps at a time. It  looked the same. The sirens screamed in the night and their blue lights streamed through the windows, illuminating the dark room. I didn't have much time. They knew I'd escaped. I just needed to find that book. I knew he'd still have it. I rummaged through the papers on his desk and opened up the drawers, emptying its contents onto the floor. I pulled my hair in frustration

"Where the hell is that book?"

My attention went towards his bed. I raced towards it and pulled off his bed sheet covers and threw his pillows to the side. I sat down and sighed when I didn't find it. Where would he have kept it? I scanned the room, and a black object sticking out the side of his jacket that lay on the ground, caught my attention. I scrambled towards it and retrieved the tattered book.

I opened the front page. This is what I was looking for.

Ross Lynch.

Do not read.

I flipped over to the next page, smiling at his messy handwriting on the lined, yellow tinged, paper. This book gave me every little detail that I needed, to know what happened to him. I began to read.

I came to the very last pages. I wish he'd knew that I never wanted to leave them.
I turned the page and saw a small picture stuck down. I held it nearer my face and examined it more closely. It showed Ross smiling down at a brunette girl as she laughed. Underneath he had scribbled out the word "goodbye".

"That was Laura?" I breathed out.

She was the girl that helped me.  Nathan had helped to find her. I don't how he convinced her, seeing as they said the survival rate was very low.

I turned over to the very end and found a paper folded. I opened it up. It was a letter.

"I'm sorry I had to leave." I began to read.



I wiped away the tears and my hands shook as I began to write. My eyes were blurry and I could hardly make out what I was writing. I didn't want to do it, but I had to. For Ross. I'd do anything for him.

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