The Beginning

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"Cheese!" I called as my best friends posed before my finger pressed down on the button on my camera taking a picture. The picture slid up and I smiled before taking it in my hand and shaking it. My group of friends started to come into view and my smile turned into a grin.

"How is it?" My best friend Tessa asked walking over to me and peering over my shoulder to see the picture.

"Perfect." I turned my head to look at my best friend to see she had a grin that probably matched mine.

"Come on you two let's go!" Tessa and I giggled before jumping into the jeep.

We pulled up to the entrance of Tessa's farm and the Jeep came to a quick stop before Tessa jumped out and I followed.

"Two more weeks girls till no more classes ever" she stated taking off her sun glasses and backing up to the gate.

"Almost time to get down and get waisted!" I yelled following her and the girls cheered as Tessa got the mail and stuff that her dad needed to fix for her neighbors and put them in a wagon before we walked up to her house.

Tessa's house was like a second home to me. My mom never being home and my dad leaving us before I was born never made the first one feel that great, so I always came here. Even as a little girl.

Cade never minded me coming over. He said I was like his second daughter and I always would be no matter what happened. Thinking about that day always made me smile.

I looked up at the sky blocking the sun with my hand and I grinned as we walked.

"Please please" Tessa whispered looking at a piece of paper but sighed when she read it. "No financial aid... great." I wrapped my arm around her and she rested her head on my shoulder as the house came into view. Barking came from the metal dog as we got closer to the house.

"Yes I know I'm home thank you" Tessa said in annoyance.

"Intruder alert intruder alert. Back away from the premises" the dog replied as we kept walking making me giggle

"Voice recognition. It's me."

"I am dialing 911." I laughed even harder as Tessa sighed and walked past it.

"Go right ahead I don't care" she replied walking into the house and I followed her. We walked upstairs and into her room. I plopped down onto her bed and pulled off my backpack.

I opened it and took out my book of pictures. I flipped open the book and passed many pictures over the years before getting to the last page that had pictures on it and adding the picture of the girls next to the picture of Tessa and I and her boyfriend Shane before he left.

"I don't understand your obsession with photography" Tessa spoke up sitting next to me.

"I like pictures because you can see an adventure with just one tiny click of a button" I replied looking at her. She rolled her eyes before her phone vibrated.

Looking over her shoulder I could see it was a text message from Shane telling her to face time him. She smiled before sending him an okay and getting up.

"Boys are what you should be focusing on, not pictures." I sighed not wanting to talk about this again. I closed my book before taking out my notebook and pen and getting ready to do my homework.

"I don't have time for boys or found the perfect guy" I replied opening my notebook.

"Yeah well you better find one soon or else you'll be alone forever" she smirked before turning her back to me. I rolled my eyes before starting to work on my homework.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2018 ⏰

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