N/A: Okay so because the Zodiacs are freshmen they are going to be around 15 and 16. (So some do have their permits) This is over the course of a school year including summer and maybe longer so ages and birthdays will also be listed. Also including teachers and which subjects they teach. All signs will have the same schedule except for classes they take according to their elements. I will include their elemental signs as well. I will be posting pictures of what I think the signs should look like so if you want to correspond your picture with your name and sign I will use that. All announcements will be done in bold and all thoughts will be done as such: hello. That's all I have to say so now onto characters. (None of the same signs are related at all and most of their personalities may be stereotypical so I am sorry in advance)
Aries-Carter (Male)
Aries-Kaitlynn (Female)Taurus-Tyler (Male)
Taurus-Desiree (Female)Gemini-Mason (Male)
Gemini-Daniela (Female)Cancer-Scott (Male)
Cancer-Faith (Female)Leo-Michael (Male)
Leo-Lauren (Female)Virgo-Marcel (Male)
Virgo-Viridis (Female)Libra-Logan (Male)
Libra-Chloe (Female)Scorpio-Jeremiah (male)
Scorpio-Anna (Female)Sagittarius-Mark (Male)
Sagittarius-Marta (Female)Capricorn-Evan (Male)
Capricorn-Evelyn (Female)Aquarius-Jonathan/Jon (Male)
Aquarius-Sierra (Female)Pisces-Terrence (Male)
Pisces-Piper (Female)Thanks for the suggestions that I used from the following people:
swarnersl Alexander_Of-The_Sky moon-light-knight MisanthropicAlien lauren_3_aqua Rarity8888
Teachers and schedules hopefully be up tomorrow
Zodiac Highschool
Random24 teens freshman year of highschool some old friends and new faces love hate friends enemies (N/A: I am bad at making descriptions. My first story. I will be taking suggestions and I will try my best to give shoutouts. I you have any tips please...