0- Prologue

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Kyungsoo never got why people believed in the super natural. He saw no believable evidence for the existence of such thongs. Ghost nor vampires could be real. Well no, ghost yes he believed in but nothing else. He found it ridiculous.
And Halloween was the worst time of year. Everything he tried so hard to ignore came out and it was everywhere. That's right, Kyungsoo ignores the fact that people believe in that stuff. If you want to be his friend, you can't have anything to so with the super natural.
Kyungsoo is like this because of his parents who left him with his aunt so they could go out and "hunt down some monsters". He hasn't seen or heard from them in four years.
The only family Kyungsoo has ever been close to is his younger cousin Jongin. But they fight a lot.

Kyungsoo feels alone, "If only my friends were true and my parents were sane. Then I could be happy."

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