Running is never good when you date a psychopath

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Hey guys! if you're a male reading this, then you can skip, or just imagine a different reason for running from our favorite schizophrenic. Other than that, just enjoy the part!

A knot of anxiety sat heavily within your stomach as you sat on a bus that reeked of rotten old sandwiches and socks, you were wringing your hands nervously and glancing out the window repeatedly as you waited for the bus to pull out of the station. Back at home you had left a note saying that you were leaving to go shopping for Toby to find, that would by you some time to at least get a few miles away from danger.

Finally, you felt the bus lurch lazily into motion and begin to pull away from the platform, taking you away from the murderer you feared, but you couldn't ease the heavy blanket of sadness that sat upon your shoulders as the vehicle drove farther away from your home town, and farther away from your lover. Quickly, you brushed a threatening tear away before it could snake down your cheek. You sniffled quietly while your (e/c) eyes gazed dully out of the window at the passing shrubbery and occasional building that zoomed by as you went. While you stared out the window, the suffocating scent of old mold burning your nostrils, your hand drifted to your stomach, where a small bump was beginning to show. You had stayed at home for a few weeks after finding out about your pregnancy, but Toby began to get more frustrated at your refusal to have sex with him as the days passed, so you ran before he could hurt you or the child he didn't know was his.


"She hates me!" Toby wailed shamelessly as he squirmed on (y/n)'s sofa, throwing a tantrum on the phone while he talked to his two companions. "Toby, will you calm down and talk normally?" Masky ordered coldly while Toby continued to cry, not stopping.

A few moments later, Masky and hoodie were at (Y/n)'s house with Toby. "Well, she definitely left, but this little warp at the edge of the page doesn't seem to show any fear of you, which is a surprise to me." Hoodie said numbly, his face hidden under his ski mask, the two stitched red eyes and permanent red frown shifting subtly as he spoke. "Well, I found the reason why she did it." Masky called from the bathroom before walking into the living-room with something clutched within his gloved hand.

By now, Toby had begun to calm down, and was now sitting up on the couch, his goggles sat askew on his face, partially revealing his hazel eyes as he looked nervously at his co-workers with hope in his eyes. "D-d-did you find an-anything, M-Masky?" Toby asked sadly, his left leg twitching slightly as he stared at the tall brunette who still stood holding his object behind his back.

"Well, I found evidence that Toby is an idiot, but that's nothing new." The man said teasingly as the hand that wasn't doing anything, scratched away underneath his orange bomber jacket as he spoke. When he was done poking fun at the schizophrenic murderer, he threw his discovery at the man, who flinched and ducked away from the on-coming object. "W-w-why t-the hell are you t-throwing a p-Shit-pad at me?" Toby shrieked, cowering away from the thing, his eyes wide as he sat, lost in a hallucination.

"Dude, it's a pregnancy test, not a pad you nasty bastard." Masky growled in disgust as he picked the thing up off of the couch cushion and handed it to Toby, who had seemed to come back to reality. "S-s-she was p-p-ass-pregnant?" The murderer mumbled to himself, his eyes still glued to the positive pee-stick. Masky nodded, wiping his hands on his jeans, even though he was wearing gloves.


The hotel room was tiny, and reeked of dead bodies, but it was better than some freezing bench in a creepy park. With a sigh of exhaustion, you plopped down onto the stiff, uncomfortable bed and laid down. for the last few nights you had been sleeping in the bus station, but finally you hit some luck and someone had left a well filled wallet, so you bought yourself a hotel room for the night before catching the next bus out of the town. For the millionth time that day, you stroked your growing stomach lovingly, a small smile pulling at your lips as you began drifting to sleep. Alas, you weren't going to be falling asleep tonight.

A sudden knock made you jump, automatically sitting on edge as you waited for another knock, a few moments later your wishes were answered. This time, the person was pretty much slamming on the door, trying to get in, so you called the cops, fear taking hold of you as your shaking hand dialed the phone.


"Go away!" You screamed at the stranger, who was still trying to get in. "Come on, (y/n). Let me in, baby girl." Toby said smoothly, his words never faltering as he tried to coax you out of the hotel room. "Go away Toby! I called the cops, I don't want you getting sent to the mental ward." You cried, tears streaking down your cheeks as you cowered behind a rotting maroon chair.

The sound of approaching sirens didn't deter Toby, instead they encouraged him. Alas In a matter of minutes, You could hear Toby being dragged away as the cops busted down the door to get to you. You were in tears, behind the grimy chair, holding your stomach and gasping.

"Ma'am, are you alright? Do you need an ambulance?" A young police officer said, kneeling down to your level to investigate you. "M-my water just broke!" You gasped, your (e/c) eyes wide with fright.

Hello! I wanted to tell you that I am so thankful for the reads, even if there isn't a lot right now, and I love the support. I'll bring you another part as soon as I can, Peace!

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