Chapter 1

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Day 1: Yannick's POV

8:30 am

God dammit. Can this day go any slower? I sat behind Camera 2 at DP News, filming the show that will air at 10. So far, 3 interns have left crying, an anchor has quit, and someone has deleted the whole script. We have approximately 15 minutes to film a 20-minute show. Again. So I repeat. God dammit.

10:15 am

We half-successfully filmed a show, and now we just had to wait and see if the head assho- I mean the Livestream manager, Steven Jones, does his shit correctly. I'm so excited for the intern, Elizabeth, to take over, and for Steven to be gone completely in 2 weeks. While I waited for Steven to finish fucking up, I started the daily report for my boss, Dent.

12:00 pm

We did a good, guys. The 10:00 show didn't suck, and the anchors are already writing the scripts for the 2:00 show, you know, updates and shit. It was time for my favourite part of the day: Lunch. Standing up from my desk, I stretched and whacked Chad, the graphics guy.

"What" Chad exasperated.

"Lunch, dude. I'm headed to South Coast Deli, if you want to join." I replied. I headed out of the office after being rejected by dear old Chad, and down the street. As I walked, I admired the street artists. They were different every day, and I like that. They got to choose where they wanted to work for that day. Arriving at SCD, I ordered a lettuce sandwich and sat down to eat.

12:45 pm

This sandwich is fucking huge, man! Dear lord! I wrapped up the rest to take home and eat for dinner. I walked back to the office, past the street performers again. I noticed something weird. All of the performers cycle through, but there is one yo-yoer who is always there. I stop and watch him for a few seconds. He is a decent looking fellow, about my age. He is a few inches shorter than me and legit looks like he weighs 100 pounds. I glance at the other half of my sandwich. Eh. I have ramen noodles at home. I walk up to the yo-yoer and put the sandwich in the yo-yo case. He glances up at me, but only for a short time, before going back to his tricks. I walk back to work.

3:00 pm

2:00 show is done, and it was better than the 10:00 one, seeing as Elizabeth was on Livestream. No Steven! Yay! I finished the daily report and gave it to Dent, then walked outside to watch the street performers again. I know. I'm obsessed. It's cool, okay? So I got out there and watched them, but my focus was mostly on the one I gave my sandwich to. He yo-yoed with such determination and vigor. It was amazing.

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