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Hi, my name's Alya. Alya Taylors. For the most part of my life I've lived in Germany. But, what's happening now will change everything. I noticed that the house was slowly getting packed so I asked my mom about it. She said we were moving to Paris! Ive always wanted to move there. It's always been my life long dream. But now I'm going to lose all my friends! And overall my boyfriend... Speaking of him, he just texted. I open my messages and go to his name. When I click on it I see a message I never thought I'd have to see from him...

Bae- hey sorry babe but we need to break up. I found a new girl and she's really hot and she's a cheerleader! She also won't be moving until we are adults so I don't have to worry about her moving. But, I wanted to let you know I have been cheating on you with Acelynn since the second week of our relationship. I hope there's no hard feelings. I'm sorry I wasn't more considerate of your feelings.

Me- ok first of all don't call me 'babe' if we are breaking up. Second the girl you found isn't a cup of tea so don't call her 'hot' call her beautiful she's a human. And it's really nice to hear you've been cheating on me cuz I didnt want to have to find out myself. There won't be any hard feelings, and I won't hate you so don't worry. I want to say it's fine you weren't considerate of my feelings but it isn't. I hope no other girl you date you do this to. I have to get going now, have to pack!.... Yay.

I'm not really sad at all. I mean I guess I'm mad because he cheated on me but what can I do? I have to finish packing I say to myself. I can do this. We only have one more hour I can do this. No I can't I need help. 

"BE RIGHT THERE!!!" Connor and Carter yell back.

This is going to be hard, my room is really big. The boys come up and help me start packing all my decorations.

"Hey guys I'm going to start packing my clothes. Don't mess anything up okay?"

"Yes ma'am!" Connor says and I laugh before I start packing my wardrobe I go downstairs for a snack and to talk to my mom.

"Mum!!?"  I yell.

"Yah Hun?" She calls back.

"I need to talk to you. Can you come into the living room?" Silence that's all I hear. Then all of a sudden.

"BOO!!!" My mum yells.


"What did you need honey?"

"When does the school start in Paris?"

"Well, I kinda need to talk to you about that......"

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