Taylor's POV
I turn on e! news like Sel told me to. "Harry Styles took his 3-year old son to a bar last night! Where was Taylor? Harry was caught kissing a brunette named Jessica Brown last night! Ooh Taylor you sure you know everything about Harry?" It says. "HARRY DID THAT REALLY HAPPEN?" I scream to him. "Yes er no no it never happened."
"Did you take Ro to a bar last night?"
"Yes but only for a few minutes I swear!"
"Ronan come here!"
"Yes mommy?"
"Did Daddy take you to a bar last night?"
"Did he kiss somebody?"
"Oh my god, Harry! I thought you loved me! Now leave!" I scream with tears streaming down my face. Harry leaves and I run into my room and lock the door. I text my mom and Abi saying, "can you guys watch Ro for me for a couple days? Me and Harry got into a fight and he doesn't deserve to see this. Harry left and I locked myself in my room. Please come. I need your help." I turn my phone off. "Mommy let me in!" Ro is screaming. "Alright baby hold on a second." I walk to the door, unlock it, let Ro in, then lock the door again. "What's the matter, mommy? You're never sad. Why now?" He asks. "Sweetie, me and daddy got into a fight. Its not your fault. You did nothing. Gramma and Abigail are gonna watch you for a few days while we try to figure things out, ok?I love you." I hug him. "I love you to the moon and back mommy." He says. I desperately needed it. "I think Finding Nemo is on. Wanna watch it?" I ask. "Mm hmm" he replies. About 20 minutes later there's a knocking on my door. I get up and unlock the door. My mom, dad, and Abi come in. Tears start streaming down my face. "Oh honey its ok. He didn't mean it. He was probably drunk." My mom says. "Yeah but what if he wasn't?" My mom gives me a hug. "Ronan come here, honey." I say. Ronan runs out of the room. "Hi baby how are you?" My mom asks. "Give me a high-five man!" My dad says. "Taylor, we love you. If you ever need help with anything, especially with problems like this, just let us know. We're here for you." Abi says. "Besides, he's such a jerk for doing it to you. You love him. You never did anything to him." surprisingly, Ronan said that. "Young man, don't EVER call your daddy a jerk ever again, but yes, he is. I love you" i tell him. I give him a hug and say "have fun baby see you in a few days. I love you" and he leaves with Abi and my parents. I check my phone for any texts and, surprisingly, there's one from Harry's sister, Gemma, saying "i'm sorry my brother did that to you. He is such a jerk. If you ever need to talk, I'm here. Trust me, I know Harry more than a lot of people. Just text me ok?" It takes a while to figure out if Harry made her say it or if she means it. I decide that she means it and text her back saying "ok. I love him but I mean, he took 3-year old Ronan into a bar. He's such an jerk. I appreciate you taking your time out to talk to me. Thank you." And hit send. I decide to text Sel and say "i made Harry leave. Ro's staying at my parent's house. Something weird happened. I need you to come to my house. ASAP. Please.