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gard- Queen.... You have guest.

Elza- GUEST!!! YAY!

gard- >_> uhhh You wont like tem tho...

Elza- I DON'T CARE! >:)

Gaerd- O_O ummm okay *gets the people*

Elza- JINX! *Glomps JInx*

Jinx- crap

Kitty- >_> hola~?

Elza- why you Brought you filthy Feline friend over.....*closes eyes and moves head to the side*

Kitty- So nice to see you to Elza -_-

Jinx- >_>

Ben-........ >_>

Elza- *opens eyes* OMH MY GWAD! iS that a creepypasta?????

Jinx- NO! i thought it was a human.. idiot <_<

Elza- why you call me isiot when i'm older then you?!?!?!?! :(

Kitty- *whispers* But you act liek a twelve year old.

Sally- HEY!

Elza- O_O

slender- GUURRRLL! whats wrong with you sister? *puts hands on hips and talks sassy*

JInx- *sigh* she was just born stupid thats all.

Elza- HEY! just because mom broped me means nothing! *starts fighting with jinx*

Ben- so this is the James sisters???

Kitty- yep. E.J. and A.J

Ej- o-o WTH??!?!?!

kitty- not you! Elza is E.J to. Her middle name is Jollie Cx

ben- why??

Kitty- why not? *looks over to JInx and Elza*

JInx- why are you so stupid!

Elza- not like you dark side has shown ts true self!!!!


kitty- >_> its normal.

Jeff- really?..... Dose A.J not like her sister or something?

Kitty- well considering the fact that Elza tried to kill Jinx a few years back and tring to distroy everything really set Jinx off. She dosnt like her that much.

JInx- O.M.G. *Dark jinx comes out*

Kitty- they both have dark sides that hate each other too. I would leave if i were you.....

Sally- why should we leave and leave you?

Kitty- because................. i need to brake it up. Duhhhh

everyone walks out of the room exept for Kitty DJ and Elza

kitty- Now i can watch on my own *pulls a Chair out and sits in it while eating popcorn* Nom Nom Nom Nom

elza- *gose dark elza* 

D.E.- You've changed the last time i've seen you. yes? *wings come out of back*

DJ- crap.... *has had no change after seven years*

kitty- let she show comest!

Dj- *uhhh... *gose back to jinx*

Kitty- awwww :( and here i was thinking a fight was going to go down

Jinx- yeah no.... >_> If Dj Hasn't changed then theres no point >_>

jinx with the killers {DISCONTINUED} Where stories live. Discover now