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A/N: heya. another update. this entire chapter was written while i was high, because i seriously only sat down to write when i was?. i'm still high as i write this authors note, actually, isn't hat fun? no.......i do not enjoy the fact that i have to 420 blaze it to actually feel real emotion about anything, but damn do i like smokin weed lol
this chapter will probably have some errors, i will come back and exorcise them later,more notes at the end

Clear and sunny skies were the forecast for the rest of the week. Yet the only weather you experienced was a chaotic storm brewing in your heart, waiting for a chance to strike the outside world with careless depravity and suffering. The good fortune of Rohan's visitation and his holy cranes could only do so much for your spirit.

"What are you thinking about?" Rohan's first words felt more like a demand than a question, when he'd come to see you first thing the following morning. You busied your hands day and night at folding paper cranes, because it was all you could do. There was no daydreaming here. Only reminiscing old memories that tortured your mind into isolation further. Rohan's company was a welcome change, when he was willing to provide it and his titillating banter. You could feel yourself falling in love with him just sitting cross-legged on the concrete across from your translucent form, inspecting your multicolored cranes, but that was just the bitter loneliness talking. Josuke had your heart in life and in death, if you ignored the fact that you'd fall for anyone who took time out of their day to sit and converse with you. It wasn't that you wanted him to come by, anyways. He'd only remind you of what could've been.

"I'm thinking about... how dissatisfied I am with my life."

Rohan thought he saw a tear stain one of the unfinished blue cranes you were working in between your fingers, but he made nothing of it, and said nothing of it. "Oh? And what makes you feel like that? Aside from the part where it ended early."

He was a bit too blunt with his words, but in the afterlife, there didn't seem to be a need for sparing feelings. It's not like you had a social reputation to uphold, or friends to please. You could say and do whatever you wanted with very little consequences. Especially with Rohan, given his passion for a gripping reality. He'd listen, enjoy, and maybe use some of your sob story for his manga. That seemed like a rather pleasant way to spend your endless time. Rohan was the closest thing you could get to the outside world, and even then, he didn't go to your high school or follow your boyfriend around. He wouldn't know the latest gossip in your homeroom or if any girls were planning on pinning for Josuke now that you had up and disappeared. The hardest thing to cope with after death was the fact that life went on without you. Despite their grieving protests, your mother would still go to work everyday, and your father would still put his afternoon energy into the garden instead of mourning the loss of his daughter. It made you question if they were better off with you, another stressor, out of their lives.

"Rohan, what's my reason for being?" It was an easy question for a complicated situation. To expect him to have an adequate answer was a bit unfair, but you couldn't take back what you'd said. It was a worry that needed to be expressed.

"To simply be, I suppose. Unless you believe in some sort of higher power giving you a purpose. We aren't truly necessary creatures. I was given a reason to be, my manga, but some people... don't ever find what makes them lead a purposeful life." He put down the delicate paper crane he'd been toying with and looked at you with a familiar intensity. It was the same kind of sympathetic gaze that Josuke would share after you cried during sappy movies, or when the precious class pet died in your first year of middle school. He was always there. Now that he wasn't, perhaps you'd been projecting onto Rohan. Seeing comforting cues that you'd never gotten from him before your death, comparing his actions to that of your current boyfriend... Maybe you wanted him to visit after all, despite your painfully stubborn pleas against it.

the haunting of josuke higashikata's lover [josuke x ghost!reader x rohan]Where stories live. Discover now