Chapter 1 (I don't know)

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Authors note: Happy holidays to all of my amazing readers! I hope you all enjoy this story! It won't be too long so yeah! Consider it a Christmas special! VOTE COMMENT give me your thoughts! Miles will appear in Chapter 2!! So just make sure you read this chapter because it'll give you a better understanding on everything that's about to go down all!

Tristan James Milligan sat on the windowsill of his comfy and cozy New York apartment. He used to have it all. The glitz, the glamour and the fame. Not to mention, a hot babe. He still has his babe but everything else was gone. He was the lead male gay character Declan Santony on ABC's new TV series, Crazy love. After completing 3 amazing seasons, the producers decided that it was time to bid a farewell to Tristan Milligan. In an interview with Time Magazine, director Stefan Garfield worth said "I really loved Tristan. He was pure gold. But we stared to notice that he wasn't so focused and he was distracted. So we had to let him go. He was just a kid and this was the big screen. He couldn't get the picture. I feel like he still had some growing up to do." Ever since that review, Tristan's career as an actor was never the same. Grant always assured him that he'd get back on TV eventually and that good things took time. It didn't make Tristan feel better though. Grant stood beside him, sipping on his coffee as they both stared out at the beautiful view of the city.

"You look down. Is something wrong?" He asked as he stepped closer to Tristan.

"I'm fine. Just thinking. How's the book coming along?" He quickly tried to change the subject. Grant gave Tristan a look and smiled as he took another sip.

"Ah. Avoiding your feelings again? Fine. The book is okay...I have writers block right now so I've taken a break. Still not sure how what the ending will be. It seems as though I'm in need of some inspiration. Never the less, I plan on finishing the book by the end of this year so that I can edit and then it's off to the publishers," Tristan stared at his phone and chuckled.

"That's in like 8 days from now," he replied. Grant narrowed his eyes to the ground, feeling unsure if he'd even be able to come up with something. Tristan noticed his fiancé's glumness. He stood up and took his cup of coffee, setting it down near the windowsill. Tristan adjusted his tie and looked up at him. There eyes met and Grant smiled happily.

"I'm sure you can do it, babe," Tristan assured him. "You just have to work hard and focus."

"Yes well, it's easier said then done. But I...I appreciate the optimism," Grant took Tristan's hands and intertwined them with his. "Can we talk about us?"

Tristan looked confused. "Us? Why do you wanna talk about the United States?" Grant rolled his eyes as he tried to hide his smile.

"You know what I mean. When are we ever gonna...officiate this," Grant looked deeply into Tristan's eyes. Tristan knew what this was. He tried his best to pretend like he didn't know what was going on but Grant was on to him.

"Grant I'm just not ready. Not just yet," Tristan replied, avoiding his stare.

"Then where will you be ready? Time is going by quickly and we're getting old. I wanna marry you while I'm still young enough to do something about it." Tristan couldn't lie. He had felt like things between him and Grant were different. He didn't feel the same spark and connection he did years ago. It wasn't his fault. Tristan had to tell him how he was feeling. He owed it to him to be honest. Just as Tristan was about to speak, a knock on the door allowed Tristan to pull away from him.

"I'll get it," Tristan rushed towards the door and peaked the the peep hole. He stared at the person.

"Let me in BITCH!!! Take a fucking picture, it'll last longer!" Tristan had recognized that voice anywhere. He opened the door and seen his best friend strutting in his apartment, her hands on her back. She held her baby bump and sighed. She exchanged glances between the two and groaned.

"What? You two look like someone's died or something," Zoe said as she walked towards the kitchen.

"No actually, I was just leaving for work. The paper needs me," Grant told Zoe. He waved at her and started towards Tristan. Grant gave his fiancé a quickly peck on the cheek before he rushed out the door. Tristan closed the door behind him and groaned as he dropped himself on purposely to the ground in a sitting position.

"Uh-oh, trouble in paradise? What is it?" Zoe asked as she took a bite of a banana. Tristan stood up and threw himself on his couch.

"The usual. I don't really feel like talking about it,"
"Let's talk about you so how's you and Antonio?" Tristan asked as he patted the couch for Zoe to sit down. Zoe grabbed a bottle of water and took a seat beside him.

"We're as fetch as ever, I swear. He and I have been working on the nursery," she told him. "Being married really is amazing, Tris. I don't know why it's taking so long for you two," Tristan sighed.

"I don't want to talk about it, okay? Not today. How's the baby? Has he kicked? Have you guys picked out a name? Tristan sounds amazing if you ask me," Tristan tried his best to change the subject.

"I'm fine, actually. I'm like due next month but I swear I feel like I'm gonna have the baby at any second! It's nerve wrecking."
"Hey, what are you doing this weekend?" Zoe asked.

"Morning basically just staying here. Cleaning, cooking, proof reading his work and shit. Why? Are we gonna party? Because I need a damn drink!" Zoe stared at her best friend and shook her head.

"I'm pregnant you stupid BITCH, geez." Zoe replied angrily. Tristan chuckled.

"Well, get mad all you want, she witch. I read online that if you make someone super angry with you while they're pregnant, the baby could look like them," Tristan's eyes widened as he placed his hand on Zoe's belly.

"And where did you read that?" She asked.

"Does it matter where?" Tristan asked as he scrolled scrolled through his phone.

"I'm going to Washington for my 3 day business trip and Antonio can't come because he's all caught up with work. You wanna come with?" Zoe asked her best friend Tristan set his phone down and raised his eyebrow.

"Really?? You're not like pulling my leg or anything?" Tristan replied. Zoe chuckled at his expression.

"Of course not. I mean, I'm almost due and I was gonna cancel but I got a call from my secretary that they changed the photo deadline so I have to go see how things are down there. It's been hectic from I've been told so yeah," Zoe reached in her purse and grabbed train ticket.

"We're going taking the train because I can't fly on the plain. So are you in or what? Because I have to find someone. Antonio doesn't want me going alone. He's afraid for me to like give birth in a random place and someone guy will probably take me and the baby away or something...he's weird but he means well..." Tristan stared at his best friend then at the train ticket. He figured he should go. He suddenly remembered that his fiancé wouldn't mind. He did need to focus more on his writing and meeting his deadline. Tristan stood up and smiled at his best friend.

"Fine YES!o my god I'm super excited! There's bound to be someone out there looking for young talent. I'm so in!" Zoe clapped as she picked up her water bottle and headed for the door.

"Meet me at the station around 9am. Don't be late. See ya bitch," Tristan followed Zoe to the door. "Also, you really should talk to Grant about how you feel. If you're not feeling this relationship, you owe it to him to be honest,"

"How do you know Tristan stared at Zoe, surprised.

"I'm your best friend, Tris. I know you too well," he watched as Zoe walked into the elevator. She had a point. Grant didn't deserve this. He had to talk to him but he just didn't know how.

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