Chapter 71

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Lara's POV:

"Hello friends, families and our cute lovers. We're gonna play a little game/challenge will y'all" a girl spoke and everyone cheered

Jimin and I enjoyed our breakfast silently

Those eggs way too tasty. I finished my first dish and still felt hungry

"Jimin..." I said shyly

"Yeah?" he asked

"I'm still hungry" I said looking down at my lap shyly

He chuckled

"Excuse me, can we get another order of eggs with sausages here?" Jimin said to the waiter

"Right away sir!" he replied heading in

"Jimin, this place seems so westernized" I said looking around

"Yeahh that's so that Koreans can feel like they have traveled. All the workers here are either American or European" he explained

"Hmm" I hummed and nodded my head

"So let's start, we're gonna start with the couples! Leo, Mark and James go choose your favorite couples!" the girl spoke again

Then some guy came to us

"You two! Follow me!" he ordered

"Us?" I exclaimed

"Yeah! Quickly!" he said and Jimin and I directly got up following him

"Okayy! Here we have our 3 couples, may the best one win! But before interduce yourselves!" She asked of us

"I'm Mingook and he's Hwan" the girl of the first couple spoke and everyone clapped

"Ahh so cute! And you two?" she pointed the microphone at the next couple

"I'm Zac and she's Ji-hye" The other guy interduced and the crowd clapped

"Ouuu!! A mixed couple!" she said

I'm hungry! I wanna finish my eggs! Why're you doing this to me

"How about you guys?" she asked

"I'm Jae-Hwa and she's Lara" Jimin said making me silently laugh but others clap

Fake name huh?

I stood on the tip of my toes and whispered

"Why don't I get a fake name?"

He chuckled and whispered back

"Because your name is too beautiful to be changed"

My cheeks then changed into a light shade of red

"Look how adorable!" she said making everyone clap again

"Okay so game 1! Let's put a random slow, romantic song and see which couple do better according to..." she started and picked random people from the people dining

They got up and sat in the seats that they were ordered to sit in

"1,2,3 and go!" she said and Jimin wrapped one of his hands around my waist and the other was opened as if high-fiving me

One the music started I interwined my hand with the one he held out and we slowly walked back and forth and he dipped me his face extremely close to mine with one of my legs wrapped around his as he twirled me while dipping me.

He then walked a bit when he fastened the pace of our dance exactly when he grabbed my leg up to his making me slide against the floor until I put both of them around his and he ordered

"Dip back, don't worry I got you" he said

I did as told and he twirled us and when he brought me up again the music was coming to an end but we were so deep in the dance that when he brought me up I gave him a little peck and he smiled pleased as he settled me back to the floor

Everyone clapped bringing us back to the reality that we were around people

"Bravo! The three of you were amazing! Let's see what our judges have to say about that!" she said and we all looked at the judges

"Although the three of you were absolutely delightful I vote for the second couple. I think the fact that they both danced so lousily makes it adorable" the first judge said and the crowd clapped and the couple bowed thanking them

"I personally preferred the 3rd couple, your dance was so intimate, I would feel the love and trust in your relationship" the second judge said and the crowd clapped

I blushed as I bowed with Jimin

Jimin held my hand in his as the last judge said

"I loved you all! Really! But the third couple caught my eye!"

We bowed thanking him and the girl spoke up

"Congratulations couple number three! Now game 2! One of you will have to carry the other and the one who lasts the without letting them fall down wins!
One two three go!"

Jimin then in a split second lifted me in his arms

The girl in the first couple held her boyfriend

Damn girl my hands are so useless and I'm so out of shape

After almost 7 minutes the 2nd couple lost leaving us with the first couple

"I'm heavy I know" I said to Jimin

"Nah you're actually quite light" Jimin said

"What? No way." I said shaking my head

"You actually are, like so damn light. Personality wise too.
I mean I can't hate anything about you. Your personality is so light, bubbly and vibrant. You really make me so happy and my days much brighter." he confessed

I looked into his eyes that were staring down at mine

"Park Jimin you are too good to be true. You really make me so happy it feels like I'm in the clouds. I sometimes can't believe this is true. It feels like a dream I never wanna wake up from" I admitted

"I love you" he said making me smile internally

What did I ever do to deserve this boy

"I love you too" I said smiling as the girl fell with her boyfriend making both of them laugh

I went towards them and helped the girl up and Jimin followed helping the guy up

"Thank you" she said whilst laughing

"Don't mention it" I said smiling brightly

"CONGRATULATIONS COUPLE NUMBER THREE! We were gonna play a last game but we already have our winners! You win free access to everything here! The spas, food, drinks everything!" she said passing us 2 cards

"Thank you! Thank you!" We said and bowed

"What do you want to do first?" Jimin asked reading the things we can get for free from the card

"Finish that egg that they deprived me from!" I said in fake agony making Jimin laugh

We sat down and I looked down at my mouth watering dish

"Attack!" Jimin said making me laugh as I dug in

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