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I think you all know what this chapter is about...

I just wanted to say that it has been an incredible and unforgettable journey to see that precious angel we just lost on the 7th of December.

An angel we all know as Johannah, our baby, Louis' mum.

It's so heartbreaking to think that Louis and the whole Tomlinson family is going through so much pain right now. Johannah was one of the kindest people on the freaking planet it's actually so hard to try and keep calm whilst scrolling through #RIPJohannah on Twitter.

Johannah spent her life saving others' lives and not even worrying about hers. It was so precious and I would consider myself very lucky to be able to see all the wonderful things she has brought to Earth.

I mean, isn't that what they both did? Made people happy?

I was so broken when I had heard the news. At first I thought, "nuh, th-the world's just messing with me" and I was actually and geniunely on the VERGE OF FREAKING TEARS it actually hurt emotionally and believe it or not, physically.

I want, and let's face it, EVERYBODY wants Louis and all of his family to be strong. Johannah is happy now and heaven gained a beautiful, kind, lovely, and amazing angel. I really couldn't imagine what possible pain Louis, Lottie, Felicite, Daisy, Pheobe, and all the Tomlinsons are going through right now and the very least we can return to them is by PRAYING FOR THEM.

I don't know how it feels like to lose your mum forever but all I can say is that Louis is a strong person, and we are all proud of him but I know that we would never be as proud as Johannah would have been. And she still is.

So, #JustHoldOnLouis and I hope you #RIPJohannah . We love love love LOVELOVELOVE you! ❤️✨

All the love INTHEFREAKINGWORLD, Jeinee x

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