short story - three shots

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Octavia settled into her brand new desk chair. it was comfortable, not like her old one. This new one was made of soft leather, it swung and didn't creak in the middle of the night when she was up editing her photographs.

Four in the afternoon. Exactly. Octavia got up out of her chair and made her way into the kitchen.

Two slices of bread. A small amount of butter and some thinly sliced tomato with salt and pepper to top it off. Perfect. First meal of the day.

A butter knife and a plate clinking together in warm soapy water.

"Do you think you could meet me there in five minutes?" Ocatavia requested over the phone. She paced up and down the stairs, breathing heavily into the phone.

"I'll see you then, Octavia." The other line spoke back. Then she hung up, grabbed her keys and walked out the door.

Driving to the destination. She let her window down and stared out at the mesmerizing blue of the water and the sky. The sun shone through the huge Californian palm trees and hit Octavia in her eyes. The fresh smell of summer breeze filled her nostrils, she smiled, forgetting about what may happen in the next twenty minutes.

Octavia pulled into the parking lot of a small bakery that reminded her of back home. She could see that his car was already parked. Her heart started to beat a little faster. As she walked into the bakery the smell of fresh bread, baked cookies and coffee hit her. Slight comfort.

Making eye contact with him, she couldn't help but let out a small grin on her face. He smiled back at her. His bright blue eyes gestured her to the seat across from him.


"Octavia." They conversed.

"Would you like anything to eat, or did you just want to talk?" Dom asked, flipping through the menu's set out on the table.

"Can we just order after we talk?" Octavia requested.

"Of course, is something the matter?" Dom asked, reaching his hand to put on hers. She merged her fingers with his.

"I guess that depends on how you react."

Dom looked slightly worried but decided to stay calm. How could he not stay calm? He was staring into the eyes of the love of his life, but she was unaware of that.

"Dom, I know this may be long overdue and it may not be the best thing to say because you may not say it back, or feel the same way but I..." Octavia paused. Her heart beating faster than ever. Mind racing. Legs feeling like jelly. Over thinking way too much. So many thoughts going through her mind. What if this is wrong? Maybe I shouldn't. No, do it. Do it. Do it. Do it.

"Just say it. I'm listening." Dom said reassuringly.

"I love you, Dominic Davia." Electricity struck through her. It felt so right.

Dom smiled. His brows raised and he was sitting up straight. The excitement in his eyes lit up.

"I love you too, Octavia Toscani." They pushed their foreheads together and smiled widely at each other.

"I'm so happy you said that." He whispered into her ear.

"Me too." She whispered back.

"Would you like to eat now?" Dom proposed.

"I'm not incredibly hungry. Do you want to just go back to mine?" Octavia said, fumbling with her hands.

Dom kissed Octavia on the cheek. Opened her car do for her and shut it. They drove separately back to Octavias' house and spent the rest of the afternoon and night doing the usual thing that they do. Playing their Nintendo 64 and making paper planes.

Light snores coming from Dom as Octavia rested her sleepy body on his. They held each other like they never wanted to let go. And they never did.

On that unfortunate night, a burglar broke into that house and woke them up. Dom attempted to take the intruder down but failed. Two gun shots. The first one went through his stomach. and the other one, accidental, went through his arm. Octavia, screaming ran to Dom, not worrying for her personal safety. She looked down at the man she loved and screamed at him to wake up. But he never did. She held his unlively hand and placed her other hand on the back of his neck.

"I love y-"

Another gun shot. Right through her skull. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2016 ⏰

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