snow day

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sorry! i know it's been a while, i've been crazy busy! hope you guys enjoy! and thanks for the comments and votes! i really appreciate them!

*buzz* *buzz* *buzz*
you hesitantly reached for your phone, still in the comforts of your own bed.

PJ: get up!
PJ: y/n, get up!
PJ: just look outside and come over!!

confused, you shuffled out of bed and glanced out the window and you suddenly smiled. fresh snow. in excitement, you got dressed, pulled on some boots and went over to PJ's.

you guys weren't dating, but all your friends insisted that you pretty much were. you did everything together and would do anything for each other.

when you arrived, you knocked and a couple seconds later PJ flung the door open. "good, you're here. i've got the whole day planned." he grinned, giving you a hug.

"first up, we have to build some sort of snow creature, obviously."

"obviously." you nodded with a chuckle.

"next a snow ball fight," he continued "and finally, this is the perfect opportunity to watch Moonrise kingdom! i still can't believe you've never seen it!"

"sounds good!"

with that, you two were off. it took you a while to build the "snow creature," and you decided to name it Richard.

at one moment you were taking a picture of Richard and when you looked up, PJ was gone.

"PJ?" you called out. nothing. you let out a sigh. i'm sure he'll be back in a second.

then, you heard a voice from behind a nearby tree. "next up," a cold piece of snow hit your leg "snowball fight!" PJ sprung from behind the tree, two snowballs in hand. you shrieked and ducked behind Richard for cover, quickly making snowballs of your own.

after a solid 45 minutes, you had PJ cornered. he was in the corner of the yard, with no snowballs and no where to go.

before he could realize his situation you began to attack, laughing. he finally yelled out "truce! truce!" and you agreed, the two of you walking back to the house, cold but happy.

finally inside, you collapsed on his couch, pulling some blankets over you. "now it's time for Moonrise Kingdom." PJ said, "no phones, no talking, you have to fully watch it."

you chuckled and agreed, putting your phone on "do not disturb".

he sat down next to you, sitting very close for such a long couch. the opening began to play, there were no words, just music. "PJ, do you wa-"


"i was just wonde-"

"shhh!" he said again.

"but popcorn!" PJ paused the film and gave you a fake serious look.

in a joking voice, he said "y/n, this is such a good film, you don't need popcorn. remember, no talking you have to enjoy the beauty of the film."

you rolled your eyes and chuckled. PJ is such a film nerd. but a cute one. he pressed play and you couldn't help but do something one more time.

you reached out a finger and poked him in the stomach. you tried to quickly take your hand away but he snatched up both your hands in his, and wouldn't let go.

"that's what you get." he whispered, eyes still on the tv.

"shh." you shushed him, jokingly. he smiled and quickly leaned over and kissed you, something you were completely unprepared for, but, obeying the rules of the movie, you smiled to yourself quietly and leaned on him for the entire thing.

hoped you enjoyed! if not, sorry i'll try to write another one at some point haha.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2016 ⏰

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