Chapter 11

945 17 1

Pov: Aniyah

Place: Home

Them females I dont like there nobody to me after that BS they pulled last night so me,desire,kayla,and zoey went to our room we were gonna share then I started to change in frount of them forgetting that I had bruises all on me

Zoey:bro what happen to you

She touch one of my bruises and I whinced in pain

Aniyah:stop that hurts

Zoey:i said what happen to you

Aniyah:*mumbles*i was beat and rape*looks away*


Kayla:she said she was beat and *gco*


Zoey:by who

Desire:by bre,bee,star,and reignae

Zoey:them bitches are dead

Aniyah:dont touch them I got a plan

Desire:and what is that

Aniyah:Dont be mad desire cuz it apart of the plan okay so this is the plan ill  make them think that im cool with them fake like I like them then they will catch feeling for then I want you guys to rape them including me

Allxdesire:im in

Aniyah:baby your not in

Desire:i want the d from you first

Aniyah:you can get that *winks*


Kayla:shut up cuz I want it to

Zoey:watevea you like  baby

Aniyah:aye zo wanna got to the game room

Zoey:yall got gtaV

Aniyah:nigga we get ever game that comes out

Zoey:you got to xbox one

Aniyah:yeah why

Zoey:cuz that what im getting on

Aniyah:im getting on the other xbox one

Aniyah&Zoey:GTA 5 tho

Kayla:there gonna get stuck in that game desire

Desire:no they not

4 hours later in the game room

Desire:bae , bae

Aniyah:*not  paying attention*

Desire:fuck it then fuck you*about to walk away*

Aniyah:*grabs desire waist and pulls her on her lap*better

Desire:way better

Aniyah:huh here my phone play somthing

Desire:Subway surfers



Zoey:come to papi

Aniyah:nigga your not papi im mexican

Zoey:damn nigga

Kayla:*get on zoey lap and get on her phone*

Aniyah:*sings*When the sun dies and the stars fade from view our love will remain real and true through the distant and cold depths of space  the radio sings our song it love real and true

Desire:bae that my song by future

Aniyah:then it our song cuzz I like it to

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