Hey guys, Electra here, and I would like to introduce you to the world of the LGBTQA+!
Before we start, let me give you guys a bit of insight on me.
So, I am writing this as both an outsider and a insider. I am 13 years old and openly Pansexual. It took me 3 years to figure out my sexuality. It took me 3 1/2 years to figure out what my sexuality.
It started when I was around 9 years old. I started to discover different types of sexualities. My parents have always said they support people in the LGBTQA+ community, however, I don't fully believe that. Now, I will say that my parents are NOT homophobic though most members of my family are; but I don't believe they are supporters. I simply think they just don't care.
When did I discover I liked girls? Well, that happened when I was eleven. When I was eleven, I had my first 'girlfriend' if you can even call it that. It was very open and not serious at all. My first girlfriend was my cousin. Well, kinda. My cousin is 14 now, only about a year older than me. We were both experimenting and trying to figure out what out sexualities.
After she and I broke up, we both discovered our sexualities. My cousin discovered she was a lesbian and I discovered I was Pansexual.
The worst breakup I've ever been through was my boyfriend cheated on me with one of my best friends. I'm currently in a relationship, a rather serious one as well. I am currently with a female and we're coming out on our 1 year anniversary which is in May.
I came out to my parents earlier this year and they said they were okay with it, though every time I bring it up they become quiet and try to change the subject. It does become annoying, but I am grateful that my parents aren't completely homophobic.
I have come out to my aunt as well, but nobody else. The rest of my family is mostly homophobic. My friends all except me as me and I'm grateful for that. So, this book does have a purpose.
This book will be for people who either are part of the LGBTQA+ community and are struggling with them or searching for answers, or for people aren't in the community but are curious or supporters and want to know how to deal with their friends in the community or are curious for themselves.
Now, I am very smart when it comes to the LGBTQA+ community and I'm happy to share what I know, but I am pansexual so a good portion of these will be directed specifically at Pansexuality.
So, enjoy my knowledge and if you have questions, don't be afraid to ask!
Electra Out