journal one | woodbridge

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chapter one

May 30, 2014 [Moving Day]

Today's the day. It's been months since I found out the news and I'm amazed time went by so fast. So much has happened since. My mom became certified to be a homeschool teacher, the whole house has been packed and I've begun writing a journal. I got the idea after one of my friends gave me this notebook as a goodbye present. She wanted me to have something to do since I told her I'd be homeschooled now. A journal was the last thing I would've thought of but I'm glad my friend got the idea because I think I'll really enjoy it.

Well, I'm off to the airport.


A giant black Escalade is waiting for us as we exit the airport. The only way I knew it was for us was because of the middle-aged man (who turns out to be our chauffeur) is holding a sign with our last name. Without the sign, I would've thought the truck was waiting for a celebrity, not my family.

"Welcome to Woodbridge" the driver chimes "Virginia is lucky to have you, Commander" the driver salutes my father and my father salutes in return. Meanwhile my mom and I just watch in awe.

We pack our luggage into the trunk and hop into the backseat of the Escalade. The driver asks if we're ready, we all nod in response and then just like that... we're off.


We pull up to my father's new army base and I'm amazed by the size. It's like it's own world, I've never seen something so massive. There's numerous amounts of soldiers marching and I can hear orders being yelled from a mile away. It's actually kinda cool, I've never been very involved with my Dad's line of work.

As the gate opens to let us on base, my father gives a small tour and tells us what everything is as we pass by. He points out the Barracks, the Armory, the Reservation and the Main Operating Base "...or the MOB, as we call it. That's where my office is, and where I'll be most of the time"

Lastly, he points out our new house and oh my... it's beautiful. It's bigger than I ever imagined. You can see the marble white pillars from anywhere on the base. And as we drive closer and closer, I begin to wonder how this house isn't the 8th wonder of the world.

The moving trucks are already there and it looks like they've been unpacking for hours because the trucks are nearly empty. So we unload our luggage from the car and walk up the steps and through the giant double doors of our new home and instantly... I'm mesmerized. The hanging chandelier high above is the first thing to catch my eye. The clear crystal leaves a striking glare against the entrance of the house. It shines against the curved staircases that outline the foyer; making the dark mahogany stairs seem bright. As you continue straight, you pass the sitting area on your left and the office on your right. Both beautiful and intricately designed. The sitting area looks light and cozy while the office looks dark and mysterious, aligned with what seems like thousands of books.

After a few more steps I arrive in the center of the symmetrical home. The left opens up to the living room with couches fit for a football team, and a flatscreen tv to match. In the same open space, the kitchen begins--the counters covered with marble and atop the marble is every electronic kitchen device ever created. The dining room sits in the corner of the kitchen with a fresh fruit bowl placed perfectly in the middle. However, in the opposite direction of where I stand is a billiards room, the walls aligned with doors to places I can't wait to explore. But that's for another day.

I head back the way I came to go up to my room, when it dawned on me... I don't even know where my room is... "Mom, which staircase do I take?" I ask as I turn to my mom who has been following my footsteps, it seemed like such a weird question... a little superficial for my liking but I had to know.

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