Diary of Jane

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*Yes the song Diary of Jane somewhat inspired me, the info will give you the summary, but hey, here is my prologue, be intrigued if you dar >:D oh, and VOTE! please :3*

He didn't love me anymore...

All of those soft whispers stabbing lies.

Heated kisses, long embraces, heart-wrenching lustful looks.

All do not matter to him anymore.

Why did he even enter my life?

He was using me...spilling tender words from his beautiful lips to get to me, it was a game, all of my love was just an object to him! He never cared! He never wanted me! He never loved me...

That agonizing moment when I his words sunk into me hit my heart like a bullet, "Adora, I don't love you." and he said it with the cruelest smile on his face, yes, that's how I know he did it on perpose, he chuckled as my jaw slacked and brows furrowed in confusion, "sorry, I never meant to break your heart, but I never loved you in the first place."

I screamed at the top of my lungs at the paralyzing moment he walked out of my door for the last time.

Diary of JaneWhere stories live. Discover now