Chapter One- My Immortal

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Pitiful to say the least, I lay flat on my back for the rest of the weekend. Numb to my surroundings, invisible to the world around me- or so I thought. My parents would see me 'moping' around and glare at me, as if it would turn my attitude around. Monday morning rolled around, the day I dreaded ten times worse than any other teenager, what if I ran into him?

It was inevitable, and no matter the amount of pleading, my parents refused to let me even skip class let alone transfer to a new school. My break up to them was nothing; being work oriented, they barely had the time to notice my internal agony. Masking my pain happened to be my specialty, although it showed, they took it as teen angst. Break up over, they didn't like him anyways.

I felt like a robot as I marched out of my house and into my small Jetta to head to class, I was a junior in Sweetwater, North Carolina, a small town close to the sea. With that in mind I knew the whole town would know what had happened by the end of the day, what if I did not tell anyone? After all, I didn’t want the drama that came with a long-term relationship that was mostly caused by friends, preps and unreliable sources. I doubted that would happen however; who wouldn’t think it was odd that him and I were not together? We’ve been inseparable since the beginning of sophomore year, now it was the end of junior. Two years gone.

It would be all right considering he was a senior now, and had a totally different class schedule, but the small school would make our contact inevitable. I cringed at the thought of it, and tried to drown out my thoughts with loud music. No, I would not let it get the best of me. I am not a weak girl who relies on a man to keep me together. I am strong and independent; I know how to get along with out…my soul mate.

The small drive to the school and into the parking lot gave me little time to prepare, I sighed and pulled out my compact, making sure the rings around my eyes were properly covered with makeup, my brown hair was let loose, in case I needed to hide my face, and my deep blue eyes were cloudy and distant, the only thing that would give me away. Being usually happy-go-lucky, carefree and fun-loving, only my closest friends would know something is wrong, and only they will know what is wrong, I knew they wouldn’t tell, I picked them out well to be my closest companions.

The sky was grey and sulking, looking as if ready to let out a long hard rain, matching my mood, one I hid with sunglasses. I had a fairly good parking space, only a short commute to the main entrance of the high school. Stepping into the hall I took a deep breath, instinctively searching for him, but bit my lip and turned my gaze to the ground, making my way to my friends usual before school hangout- the gym.

‘Of course he wouldn’t be there…why wait for someone not worth your while?’ I thought, punishing myself. Everyday before class we would show up fifteen or twenty minutes early just to hang out away from friends, but now that we were no longer together he would probably just show up at a normal time, like I did.

“Adora!” a familiar voice- one I’ve known since junior high, called out to me, Amber, “Adora,” she came up from behind me and hugged me tight, “something’s wrong.”

A shaky smile formed on my lips and I looked at her, she carefully removed my shades and saw the tears forming in my eyes, taking me in for a more comforting hug. Of course she would know if something was wrong, we had that sort of connection. Since the seventh grade we have been so close, we spent nearly every weekend together, our time off we at least made a point out of saying hello, most would think we were sisters if it was not for her tanned skin and short black hair.

I sniffed quietly, “he broke up with me Amber.” I muttered into her red hoodie, her usual rainy day attire.

“I know hun,” she comforted in her thick southern accent, I looked at her questioningly and she clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes, “you think I don’t know when something is up, especially when I don’t see you too cuddling in a corner like usual?”

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