The Titanic Never Actually Sank

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The company that created the Titanic also had other boats. The Olympic was the name of another boat they had. The Olympic was facing many obstacles, and it was on the verge of not working any longer. Before the Titanic went off on the voyage, they supposedly switched the two ships. They put the Titanic logo on The Olympic and vice versa. The Olympic was the boat that took off with all the passengers on it. They knew the boat was going to sink, and actually, they wanted the boat to sink so they could collect insurance money.


1. Port Holes: On the side of the ship, you can see the port holes. The Olympic had 16 port holes, while the Titanic only had 14. The picture below was taken the day the "Titanic" had sailed, and it has 16 port holes. Wait, didn't you say the Titanic only had 14 port holes? My point exactly. The Olympic was the ship with 16 port holes, not the Titanic. 


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2. Underwater Findings: After the Titanic had sank, a man named James Cameron went underneath the water to look for the Titanic and any leftover pieces. He got a picture of the side of the Titanic. If you look closely at the picture, you can see the letters M and P. The Titanic doesn't have the letters M and P, but you know what does? The Olympic. 


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3. Working on the Titanic: The Titanic could not find many people who were willing to work on the ship. Around the time of the Titanic, thousands of people were not working who needed jobs. Nobody wanted to work on the Titanic, which is odd because they were desperate for jobs. Supposedly, people around the town heard rumors that the ships were swapped, and the ship was going to sink for insurance money. These rumors caused everyone to stay far away from that job.

4. Not Showing Up: Many wealthy people who bought tickets to go on the voyage of the Titanic did not show up. Jay P. Morgan, a rich and powerful man, had a ticket for the Titanic, but a couple days before the trip, he decided not to go. He claimed that he was sick, but was he really? New York Times spotted him with his girlfriend out and having fun on the day the Titanic sank. Did someone tell him that the ship was going to sink?

5. "The Titanic didn't sink that day, The Olympic did." James Fenton, a man who had worked on the ship, said on his death bed that the Titanic didn't sink that day, The Olympic did. He survived the sinking of the ship. Once he got on land, the people of the government were there, waiting. They told him that they've heard the rumors and they knew what he did. The government told him that if he said one word about this, they would throw him in jail for the rest of his life. He never told anybody until the day he died.


This is one of my favorite conspiracy theories, so I wanted to put it in this book. Shane Dawson was the person I heard the conspiracy theory from, so all credit goes to him. Watch his video down below and subscribe to him! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2016 ⏰

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