We Can Make Love, We Can Just Fuck

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We Can Make Love, We Can Just Fuck

Naruto made his way into the bar, he had just gotten in a fight with his now ex-boyfriend Sasuke. He started to wonder why he even started to date that bastard. Shaking his head, he made his way to the counter to drink away his troubles.

As he sat down, a man with black hair and brown eyes came over, asking him what he would like to drink. Naruto just slumped forward and asked for the strongest thing they had. The bartender could tell he was down and just nodded his head and went over to get him his drink. Soon the man was back with Naruto's drink, he handed it to him before he started to walk off.

"Thanks" Naruto muttered under his breath, to which the bartender nodded his head and left. Naruto already felt like shit, so he might as well get drunk off his ass and feel even worse later. Forgetting the pain is all he wanted to do right now. And that's just what he did.

Drink after drink after drink, Naruto was so tipsy right now. His speech was a bit off, he had a hot red blush across his cheeks, and his body was moving fluently to the music playing. Suddenly he felt arms circle around his waist, without looking back, he began to grind on the man.

His eyes fluttered opened, bright blue eyes clashed with stormy grey ones. His eyes glanced up to meet silver hair. He knew this man from somewhere, he just couldn't put his finger on it. He shrugged and went back to grinding on the man, he had decided to not care.

[Kakashi's P.O.V]

My eyes wandered around the bar, I had made it a tradition to come here every Friday night. I was quite drunk at the moment, and decided to dance to pass time. As I was dancing, my eyes found this Blond headed man, he was slim, had a white button up shirt on and black pants on. His body lost in the music, his eyes closed, hips swaying without a care in the world.

My eyes wouldn't leave his body; it was like they were drawn to the blonde.

I made my way to the boy and wrapped my arms around his hips, dancing to his pace. He turned around and looked at me with the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen in my life. I was starting to get excited, I knew the boy had noticed, as he started to grind harder.

The little tease.

But he couldn't help feeling he knew this little tease from somewhere.

[Third P.O.V]

After a couple more dances and a lot more drinks, the two boys made their way out the bar, stumbling along the side way.

"My place is near here, want to come home with me?" the silver haired man whispered into the Blonds. With a nod of the head, they were stumbling into the older man's place. Clothes were left at the door, kisses left on heated skin. Love bites and soft touches, suddenly the grey eyed man stopped his advances.

"What do you want to do?" he asked the blonde, his breath was short and he was ready to take the younger man who laid sprawled out on his bed. The blonds head tilted in confusing, he didn't understand what the silver headed man was asking.


The half lidded grey eyed man leaned down and whispered into the naked boy underneath him.

"Do you wanna make love, or just fuck?"

The blonde's eyes widened in surprise, he had never been asked that question before. Sasuke had only had sex with him, there was no love, only lust. Just once, he wanted to know what making love felt like, and the silver headed boy would give him just that.

"Make love to me."

With those words out, the silver haired boy leaned in and kissed the blonde. The blonde had been kissed many times before, but this one felt different. This one felt better.

As kisses were left, Love bites made, bodies heated and ready. The Silver headed boy made his way to the best part of all, his hot member waited at the blonde's entrance. He looked down to make sure it was okay before entering. The boy beneath cried out in slight pain, even though he was use to sex, it still hurt some.

"I'll show you how to make love, Naruto" The silver headed boy whispered into the boy underneath him as he exited him before sliding back in, leaving the younger boy moaning in pleasure.




It was now the next day and Naruto began to stir. Sitting up, he began to recall last night's memory, him getting drunk and coming home with someone.

"HOLY SHIT!" he yelled in shock as he looked over to see Kakashi. He reached over and shook the boy awake. The older boy stirred before waking up to sunny hair and electric blue eyes.

"What, Naruto?"

"Don't "what" me! We had sex last night, didn't we? Oh my god!" Naruto began to panic, he didn't know what to do right now, he just had sex with his ex's best friend.

"We made love, what's so bad about that?" Kakashi didn't understand why Naruto was freaking out right now.

"Yeah, that's why I'm freaking out. YOU'RE SASUKE'S BEST FRIEND!! Why would you have sex with me?"

"Well, I was drunk last night also and didn't know who you were, but I realized last night after I had already entered you."

"So you continued to have sex with me, even after you knew it was me?"

"Well, I wasn't going to stop. It felt way to good, plus you seemed to like it." He smirked at the blonde.

"What gave you that idea?" Naruto resorted, a light blush appearing on his face.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe it was the way you screamed my name, or how you begged for more. No, I got it, it's the way you arched into me, kissed me and told me to, and I quote "Make Love to me more" Kakashi smirked even wider. Naruto yelped, a bright red blush covered his face.

"YOU...YOU ASSHOLE" Naruto threw the first thing he could grab, which happened to be the hand cuffs they used last night. Kakashi started to laugh before pointing at them.

"Is that a sign that you want to go again?"


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