First memory

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        I was cold, huddled against fur. Hearing soft breaths of what she guessed were her siblings. There was also two more heavier breathing, that was quick, almost sounded like the other breathing was making them tired. Like it was so much trouble to just breathe.  I tried to lift my head,  but I couldn't it felt like something was on top of me and I was too weak to lift it. I moved my head onto something so cold, I had never felt something so cold. After a bit I could hear murmurs, those murmurs turning to talking until hissing and then back to murmurs. I felt something cold, not as cold of what I was on, but still a bit cold press against me. I tried to move away, but it was like I was stuck and I couldn't do anything about it. I felt the cold thing lift away and I stayed there, stuck. After a bit I started to listen. 

       "Rosebush..."A cat had said with a low annoyed tone. "I am tired of kits play.. THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!  RABBITKIT! ADDERBITE! RAVENWING! EVERYTHING! THIS IS ALL BECAUSE OF YOU! You... YOU..! You should have died.. When... When our mother died, Skylightstar should have killed you too. I am tried of having to cover up what you did."The cat hissed. After a while there was silence nothing could be heard, but some very soft sobbing.

      "I... I... P-P-P-ee-ase... S-S-so..."Another cat had said, her voice was being chocked by her own tears as she started to cry. I could hear thing moving and stopped listening, everything was just a murmur after that, almost everything. 

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