the party!

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Dale: come on upstairs with me.

Me: ok

We went into Dale's room

Dale: you ok?

Me: yeah your room is cold...

Dale: I got to keep something cold...


Dale: my game system duh.

Me: oh....( Laughs)

Dale: (phone buzzes) you ready?

Me: no look at what I'm wearing.

Dale: lol find something else then

I put on a black lace two piece dress with black and white vans.

Dale: better?

Me: yes

Mom: where do you think your going?

Me: with Dale!

Mom: where?

Dale: to the creek to meet some friends!

Mom: oh ok! Be safe

We went to the party and things were wood I felt uncomfortable that I was the only lightskin person that was there everyone was brown but nobody cared they were drinking getting freaky on the dance floor dancing just having a great time.

Tune: hey girl ain't see you around here.

Me: oh.

Tune: ( go behind me and grabbed me around my waist) I like you

Me: get off me..

Tune: ( gripped harder and tighter) let's go on the roof.

Me: ( ran out of the house)

And see Dale with a girl laughing and having a great time together so I left the house quite as possible.

Aunt dixy: where's Dale?

Me: um....

Dale: right here mom!.

Me: ( rolls my eyes)

Dale : why did you leave?.

Me: I was getting basically rapped by tune i saw you with a girl and omg I don't want to talk about it no more OK Dale goodnight( kiss him on the cheek)

Dale: ( blushes ) goodnight

    Midnight.... Tick tock tick tock

Me: oh my gosh I can't sleep you can hear the music in Dale's room.

I tip toes in his room very quietly......

Dale: you don't have to tip toe lol I'm up

Me: well isn't that a relief..

Dale: I want to talk to you can I ask you a question?

I thought about for a good minute....

Me: sure

Hopefully he apologizes for being with that girl and ask me out...... Technically we are not related my mom and his mom are just best friends and grew up together.

Dale: ( takes a deep breath) my girlfriend don't like you. And i mean I do but I can't break up with her...

Me: why not?

Dale: it's complicated ok.

Me: well I'm sorry I make your life complicated and in sorry I even came in here( walks back in room)

I saw a tear dropped down from his eye. I cried slightly in my room all night until I went to sleep.

Morning school time..

Mom: honey school time Dale left already..... You ok? You look like you been crying all night.

See that's the thing I love most about my mom she knows what goes on in MY life even if I'm mad at her or not.

Me: yeah, maybe just some drinks at the party.

Mom: PARTY!?.

me: yeah it was like a party at the creek.

Mom: oh ok well I'm going job looking so I'll be home a couple of hours later.

Me: ok what about aunt dixy?

Mom: same thing.

Me : ohhhh ok well got to go...

Bus ride was fun i met lots of kids but the one I really talk to is rocky she has a twin named Ricky...

Rocky: welcome to Franklin parks high school!

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