Chapter 19

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Text Convo:

C- Curtis   Yn- You

Yn- Hey :(

C- aww wats wrong?

Yn- It's onyx :(

C- I thought u said she was goin 2 B ok?

Yn- Ik but I miss her :(

C- nope, uh uh, turn tht frown upside down <> flipflop it!!

Yn- ): better?

C- dont get smart with me missy

Yn- Curtis....

C- Yourname....

Yn: i miss u :'(

C- Aww, i miss u 2. But i'll be back soon :)

Yn- How soon :)

C- I'll be back B4 Prod dumps u :)

Yn-  & Y would he? -_-

C- lol, im just kidding

Yn- but seriously, i think he might...

C- Y u feel tht way?

Yn- Cause i push him away...wat if he feels he isnt wanted?! I would feel unwanted...

C- ???call me in 5 minutes

Yn- Okay, ttyl

End of Convo

Prodigy's Pov- I was tempted to look at Yn's text convo but, I decided to trust her. After awhile she sat her phone on her lap and looked up at me. I looked down at her and smiled. She sat up and kissed me for about 30 seconds, she pulled away and said 'Thank you'.

Prod: For what?

You: Being there for me, especially when I needed you.

Prod: No problem shawty, that's what I'm here for.

You: -laughs- Don't talk like that. -smh-

After she laughed she laid her head on my shoulder and I rubbed her thigh. About 2 minutes later she was fast asleep and her phone started ringing, I checked the caller I.D. and it said 'LoverBoy'. I shrugged my shoulders and answered the phone.

Prod: Hello?

???: Oh, hey is Yn around?

Prod: Yeah...

???: Can I talk to her?

Prod: One second... -shakes Yn- Babe, someone is on the phone for you.

She groaned and looked at the phone. "No duh it's for me, they called my phone" she said and then took the phone from me.

Yn: Hello? -rubs eyes-

???: .........

Yn: Oh hey, because I was sleeping. What do you think?

She continues to talk to 'LoverBoy' and seems to be enjoying herself. I really wonder what she's talking about because and I can't understand why she keeps changing the subject. It's like he is asking her something and then she thinks for a moment and talks about something completely random. I just look out the window thinking about why she's been so distant....maybe she's cheating, wait she is either at work or at home, not much she can really do. Unless her second job doesn't exist! I shake my head, I think I may have been around Hailey too much because her  "optimistic creativity", as the girls call it, is starting to rub off on me.


Prod: What!

Yn: We've been calling your name for the past minute.

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