Without You

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Part 16

Niall’s P.O.V

Harry played with my hair as I chewed happily on my apple. Maybe what I did, when I told Liam that… that lie, now that maybe it was… a good decision, as I know he isn’t gay… But harry is, and so am I. I mean I can’t look at a girl in the way I used to before, before I met Liam. I have no attraction towards girls anymore, at all. I smiled as he started to hum me a song; it was the chorus of ‘What Makes You Beautiful’. He sung it slowly as if it were a lullaby, then he sung his solo part “baby you light up my world like nobody else, the way that you flip you’re hair gets me over whelmed but when you smile at the ground it isn’t hard to tell… you don’t know oh-ohh you don’t know your beautiful” his voice got slower and his voice got deeper. “Oh-oh… That’s what makes you… beau-ti-ful”. He smiled and kissed my nose I smiled up at him and quickly pulled my hand behind his head and pulled him in for a kiss on the lips. He smiled within the kiss which made me smile into the kiss too. I sat up into the kiss, sitting between his legs sideways, his arms snaked around my waist and pulled me in closer, I tangled my fingers in his amazing curls and pushed his head towards mine more.


{Liam P.O.V}

“Mhmm...” I sighed as I finished my cup of tea; I smiled and looked over to Danielle. “Thank you again babe.” She walked over to me and kissed my lips and mumbled against them “you better be in your birthday suite tomorrow night” she winked at me as she picked up my empty cup of tea and walked into the kitchen. I blushed and look down… Does she really mean that? I looked around the room and inspected it while she was busy in the kitchen, she already made the room her own, even though they’re, the dancers, are only going to be here for a few weeks she has personalized the room to fit her personality. I heard a phone go off but it wasn’t mine, stupidliy though I checked to see if it was mine, I heard an upbeat hello from Danielle as she answered the singing phone and from that point on I could only hear mumbles, now I’m not one to ease drop but the whole flat was silent apart from the occasional mumbles, I only heard half of what was said partly because I was trying to ignore the sound but whatever it was she seemed happy about but when she walked back in she had a sad expression written over her face.

“What’s up beautiful?” I asked standing up and pulling her close to me “I have to go now…” she pouted and kissed my lips, I frowned and kissed her back. “When will you be back?” I mumbled into her hair as we were now swaying side to side holding onto each other. “Not till’ later tonight, like half eleven-ish at night.” I pouted more and moved my head away from her hair and kissed her nose. “Well, I want to ask you something before you go babe” I smiled at her, still rocking. “And what would that be” she smiled, obviously happy that I didn’t demand she’d stay. “Well… It’s my birthday tomorrow and I would like to invite you round and possibly, well most probably wherever Louis will decide I go” I smiled a full on smile at her.

Her face lit up and she kissed my lips again softly. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world!” she stepped up on her tiptoes and kissed me once last time before we said our goodbyes and walked out the door together, “Want a ride there?” she shook her head and came to a halt in front of a door “I would but I already have trip arrangements” she smiled and we hugged goodbye “I’ll text you when I’m back, and I’ll be there tomorrow!” she hollered down the hall way, I smiled to myself and walked the way back to my apartment. Danielle and I… Me and Danielle… We were now together, I’m walking to my apartment smiling but I don’t have the slightest clue why… Even though I told myself to enjoy it, now I’ve left her, I feel as if I should miss her already.

Like how I always miss Niall when his not around… And he and I aren’t even in a relationship… I mean… We could’ve been in one but-. Liam STOP! Why are you thinking about him again? You have Danielle… I felt my smile fade, since I’ve left Danielle and all the tension of her room… I don’t miss her… I miss Niall’s constant text’s asking if I had food or if he could come round to talk about stupid things like who’s stronger, superman or Spiderman. I miss the silly little notes he’d leave on the fridge telling me what he’d taken from it and a little note underneath saying that he wants to hang out or that his coming over later that night. I missed the way that I could talk to him about anything and everything, now… Well now there’s tension between us… I want his lips on mine, not Danielle’s. Why am I screwing with my own mind? I slump up to my door and pat round my legs to find my keys, I pulled them out of my left pocket and was about to slot it in the key hole when I heard Harry and Niall. They’re still here?

“No Haz!” I head Niall’s perfect laugh, he sounded out of breath and he was in a fit of giggles. I pulled my hand away from the key hole and listened in. So much for not being the ease dropping kind. “Nope” Harry popped the ‘p’. “Not until you kiss me again” Harry laughed, “if you want your phone back with all the embarrassing pictures of me on your going to have to pay.” He laughed more. I felt my heart stutter, he kissed Harry… Again… The reason we split up and the reason that he come over for to beg me back and his done it again… I thought about Danielle, and only her. She was going to be on my mind all of the time now, I’ll make it happen. I pushed the key in the hole and unlocked the door; I walked in to find Harry sitting on top of Niall’s stomach holding up a phone while Niall was squirming underneath him. Both of their lips were close but they both soon pulled back when I they realized I was standing there.

Harry jumped off of Niall and pulled up him with him, he stood in front of Niall and grabbed Niall’s arms and pulled him around his waist, he smiled as he did so. “Hey Liam!” he said happily. “Thank you, seriously for last night” he removed himself from Niall’s grip and walked over to me and hugged me “you’re an amazing friend and now…” he pulled away to face Niall then he faced me again “and now, I’m with Niall” He skipped back over to Niall and kissed his lips for a fair while, not like a minuet but a good thirty to forty seconds. I stood there a bit uncomfortably as the boy who I think I love his kissing Harry. When only the other day we were feeling so much for each other and now it’s being thrown away. But I can’t be one to judge as I did the same, only with Danielle. I smiled at them and nodded back at Harry “glad I could help mate” I walked into my room and ripped my shirt off in frustration and anger with myself. I kicked off my shoes and lay on my bed face down. I was there for about ten minutes before I heard a small knock at the door.

“Hallo?” I heard an Irish voice holler out to me, the door opened but I didn’t bother to move. It slowly closed behind him and I felt him sit down on my bed. “Hey…” I mumbled into my pillow not in the mood to talk. I felt him rub my back; he sent all sparks over every area of my back he rubbed. “You okay?...” he asked a tad worried. “Yeah, guess so” I turned around on my bed so I was now lying on my back, I saw him smile his ‘famous’ smile I couldn’t help but make an attempt to smile back but it failed as memories of him and I flooded my mind again. I miss him so much… Even if I can’t have him as my boyfriend, I want my best friend back. Niall laid down on the bed on his stomach and faced me, “I um… well…” I smiled sweetly at him as I knew what he wanted to say. “Niall, look…” I sighed “I get that you like Harry, and I’m; I-I’m happy for you really. I just want my best friend back.” I smiled and took his hand, his face lit up and he pulled himself up on my chest and gave me a big hug. I smiled and ruffed his hair as he did so. “So where did Haz trot off to?” I asked playing with his hair, “Home, to tell Louis that he won’t be coming home until tomorrow” he smiled a bit too big. “Are you two going on a date or what?” I questioned him laughing he laughed back and laid the side of his head on the side of my chest now “Just movie date at home I guess” he shrugged, I continued to play with his hair as this happened.

“Hey umm Liam?” he asked

“Yeah Nialler?”

“Well um… I don’t want to ruin the surprise but umm… You know your birthday is tomorrow yeah?...”

“How would I forget silly” I laughed at the cute Irish lad.

“Well umm… I got the present… Or shall I say presents when… When you know… And ummm… Well…” he trailed off.

“What’s the matter Nialler?” I asked now rubbing his back.

“I umm, got us two tickets to go play laser quest and I was wondering if you’d still want to go, on top of that I have other gifts but, yeah.”

“YOU GOT US TICKETS TO GO PLAY LQ!” I couldn’t contain my excitement; I’m the biggest kid going when it comes to that.

He laughed into the crook of my neck and it sent shivers down my spine, the good kind. “So you still want to go?”

“Ermm YEAH! We’re best friends Niall! Of course I want to go, I love you mate” I laughed and tackled him into a big bear hug. “You big tart!” Niall laughed as I pulled away from the hug, his nose was brushing mine again… Shit Liam… Not again… I want to kiss him again… Just… Just as a goodbye… I want to remember those lips… Oh who am I kidding I don’t want a goodbye I want a forever kiss, one that will last me until I die, the last lips I kiss… He looked into my eyes and licked his bottom lip. Part of me wants him to feel the same way still, but the other part of me knows that this is wrong. Very wrong. Please, oh lord please distract this moment.

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