Chapter 30

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Taylor:I'm goin to check on Danni
Takeoff:I'm comin wit u
Taylor:awwww look at them
Takeoff:it's wateva
Taylor:uncle Takeoff
Takeoff:I'm tellin the truth
Taylor:let's go for I beat u up
Takeoff:you'll get yo ass kicked keep playin girl
Taylor:hmmm ok
Quavo:where Danni
Taylor:sleep wit uncle Offset
Quavo nods
August:what y'all doin tonight
Taylor:nun stuck wit Danni tonight
August:and where he goin
Taylor:idk he said he was busy tonight
August:he better not be cheating on you again
August:hell yea he cheated on her once
Quavo:gotta beat a nigga ass or sum
August:hope not I might kill him
August:don't daddy me I should've killed him the first time
Takeoff:u need to keep a eye on that boy
Taylor:I really trust him tho so I don't need to be worried bout it I really do trust him
August:that's Wat u say jus kno he cheat on u don't come to me
Takeoff:u can come to me I got u
Taylor:thank u uncle Takeoff
Offset comes down
Offset:Wat y'all talking bout
Offset:Wat bout him
August:we asked Taylor Wat she was doin tonight and she said nun she stuck wit Danni tonight and I asked where Trey goin and she said she don't kno he said he was busy
Offset:if he cheating he a dead mf
Taylor pouts
Quavo:girl didn't I tell u we thugs we don't pout or cry suck that shit up girl

Short chapter
Do y'all think Trey cheating on Taylor?
Should Taylor forgive him if he is cheating?
Should they kill Trey or nah?

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