Chapter 8

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I wake up about noon to Andrea telling me to get up I have to be ready by 4:30

"5 more minutes"

"No Peyton wake up you'll take forever to eat and take a shower then I have to blow dry your hair and style it and do your make up"

I still lay in bed so she legit grabs me by my toes and drags me out of bed



"Ugggggggggg FINE"

I get up and go down stairs

"Hey baby sis what you want for lunch"

"Hot wings"

"Ok I'll have them done in a few minutes"

Once my hot wings are done Ricky puts them on a plate with some chips and a Pepsi

"Thanks Ricky"

"No prob now let's have a little chat"

"Is this about my date tonight"

"Of course it is now I love jack,jack is like my little brother,but I will beat the living shit out of him if needed understand"

"Yes ricky"

By now I have finished my lunch I go upstairs

"Take a shower" Andrea says when I walk past Kian's room "come get me when your done"

I go to the bathroom and take my shower now it's 2 o'clock I get out and put on a rob I walk out when I do Andrea is sitting on my bed

"Go sit in your chair" she says

I sit on my chair she has every thing set up she blow drys my hair then gets the curling wand out and curls my hair an waterfall braids it when she is done my hair looks like this:

Then she does my make up and then puts on my out fit:

"How do I look"I ask

"Oh Peyton you look beautiful I think the boys are down stairs giving jack a talk"

"All if them"

"Yep kian Sam jc Trevor Connor but especially Ricky"

"Oh gosh jack is never gonna wanna go out with me again"

"Sure he is a little intimidating never hurt anyone but I see the way jack looks at you"

"Go downstairs"

I hear the boys talking to jack

"And if she comes home crying you will have to deal with us 6 and Andrea" kian says

"I'm going to give her money she better come home with every penny of it got it"

"Yeah because you guys and Andrea are just terrifying I'm so scared"

They all chuckle

"Ok here is 20 dollars"Ricky whispers to me

"Ok Ricky stop being so overprotective"

"Im sorry"

He hugs me and kisses my forehead then JC hugs me and kisses my forehead then Connor,kian,sam,trevor

"Have fun...but not to much fun"Connor yells

Me and jack go out side and start walking

"I'm sorry about the boys they can be a bit overprotective"i say

Ricky Dillon is my big brother(an o2l and thats0jack fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now