Little Blue Men and Red Riding Hood???

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Nico didn't come to see Percy that day, or the next, or the day after that. He didn't come to see his best friend after a week, even though he promised Percy he'd come see him the next day after he dropped Perce off at his house.

Persephone told him that his father wanted to talk to him. So Nico went into the Throne Room. He bowed before his father and when he told him to raise Nico stood up. 

"You wished to speak with me father?" He asked respectfully. 

Hades smiled softly, "Yes my boy." 

He got up off his thrown, disappeared into shadow and reappeared at his son's side.

"Come, we must talk."


They were in the garden of Nico's step mother when Hades told him. 

"You- you want me to go to a high school?"

"Yes my boy. You may be a demigod but I also want you to have a future ahead of you if you live to see the day where it becomes your life. I want you to graduate high school and be able to go to Collage if you like, but you'd have to first start high school." Hades said. Nico's hands shook, 

I've fought monsters, helped take down a titan, survived through two wars, and I get scared over school?

"Father, do you really think this is the best?" 

A little kind smile spread across the Lord of the Dead's face. 

"Yes son, I do. I've already signed you up for Goode High School." 

Nico gulped, "Al-alright. But where will I stay?" 

"I'm sure you'll find someplace." Hades winked. 

Nico's mouth dropped. 

"You mean to tell me you signed me up for a high school and didn't find a place for me to live?"

"I'm a god. I can't waist my time worrying about pesky little details. 

You're a smart boy, you'll find somewhere . . . 

Either that or you'll become one of those hobos living on the streets." 


Hades chuckled. "Well, you should be off. Don't wanna be late for school I assume." He snapped his fingers and Nico was engulfed in shadows.


Nico reappeared in a school hallway. He was right in this big guy's way. He had blue hair with brown eyes, he had freckles across his face and was perfectly tan. You could see his muscles even through his black leather jacket. 

"Oh lookie what we have here. A newbie!" His friends came to his side and they all grinned. They started taking steps forward, Nico ran into a locker, when he looked forward again Blue Hair was right in front of him. Blue Hair turned to his goons. 

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