Where it all started

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"Mom, I'm going buy some things for Ivy's birthday!"
"Okay honey"

I leave the house and grab my bike.

I love being alone. I can just be quiet and think about what ever I want. That's what I need. Some time to think. There is so much going on in my life right now and I felt like I wore a mask just to please everyone. They think I'm always happy, but actually I feel really lonely. Everyone around me has someone. Someone to lean on in hard times.
First I wasn't alone. I had my best friend Ivy, but she recently got a boyfriend. Now I feel more alone then ever. There are so many people in this world, but I always seems to fall for the taken ones or the unattainable ones. I hate myself for that.
I'm in love with this boy called Liam. I love him for 3 years now. When I finally got the courage to tell him about what I felt for him, I found out that he had a girlfriend. This broke my heart, but I decided to tell him that I loved him anyways. I know I had no chance, but my heart had to be released. His reaction was the best, but ofcourse it didn't help me feel less lonely.
Then there is my other love. Shawn. He is the unattainable love. I'm mean he has milions of fans. I never met him before and the chance that he would fall in love with me (if I ever get to meet him) is smaller than my little toe. Why would he ever fall in love with me. He has so much fans and most of them are so much more beautiful than I am. More funny, more talented, more everything.

I arrive at shopping mall and place my bike against a wall.
I walk inside and I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. It's my brother. He sended me a picture of him on top of an elephant.

My brother is curently on a world trip and I miss him so much. I haven't seen him in month's. You can add that to my reasons to feel even more lonely.

I walk to my most favourite store ever, while I try to type a message to my brother. I know the road so well, that I don't have to look up from my phone.
Then out of the blue someone crosses me and bumps in against me. I fall on the ground and my phone slips out of my hand.
Someone sticks his hand out to me.

"I'm soooo sorry. I was in a bit of a rush." a boys voice says to me.

I recognize that voice, but I don't pay attention because I feel a weird kind of pain in my left arm. I look at the hand and decide to grab it with my right hand and the boy pulls me up. The boy is wearing a hoodie and I look at his face.
My heart stops beating and my knees start shakking.

It's Shawn freaking Mendes!!!!!

My knees can't take it anymore and I feel that I'm losing control over my own body. I almost fall again, but Shawn catches me.

"Maybe we should go and find a place for you to sit down." he says to me.

I don't know what to say and the only thing I can do is look into his beautiful eyes. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and guides me to a chair. I sit down and I'm finally able to say something.

"Thank you" and while saying that I realise I don't have my phone in my hand anymore.

I'm trying to stand up and Shawn sees me struggling. He gently pushes me down again.

"Please stay still, you fell really hard and you're bleeding."

I look down to my left arm and see that there is some blood on my shirt.

"But my phone." I try to say, but I'm still a bit dizzy because of this whole bumping in to Shawn thing.
"Wait here. I'll go look for it." Shawn says.

He goes back to the place where I fell. He bends and grabs something. He holds up my phone and I nod. He comes back to me and hands over my phone.

"Now we need to do something about your bleeding arm." Shawn says.
"No it's okay. You said you were in a rush and you probably have more important things to do. Don't worry about me." I say.
"I do worry about you! I did this to you, so I'm going to fix this." he says pointing at my arm.
"It probably isn't as bad as it looks."
"I'm going to the pharmacy to get you some bandage and some ice. Don't go away!"

He walks to the right.

"The pharmacy is to the left." I say giggling.
"Oh haha that's embarrasing" he says while he goes to the left this time.

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