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Confession Christmas was established on December 11, 2016 as a project to bring smiles to faces and make Christmases more worthwhile and of greater importance. Christmas is a joyous occasion to most, but there are some less fortunate people who may not have as lively and joyful a Christmas as most of us do. This project was therefore created to provide everyone a memorable Christmas.



- Rayna | sonderingly
- Amelia | jinwen2509  
- Sev | beautlies  
- Yuen | yuenwrites 
- Shevon | shevvie 
- Alexandria | wildparisian 
- Katie | katiecruz  
- Brittany | iwearheelys
- Myka | roastedpiglet 
- Gabby | hyrule 
- Christina | calligraphics 



Confession Christmas is the first project from the Confession Team, in which we collect confessions from the Wattpad community and post them individually in this book, from the 11th of December to the 31st of December.

Confessions can range from the happiest, most hilarious thing to the saddest, most traumatizing experience, as long as you are comfortable with sharing it.

Examples include:
- I hacked my neighbor's WiFi and the password was 'ihatemybrother'.
- I flushed my exam paper down the toilet bowl because I was afraid of letting my mother see my results.
- I dropped a ring in my wife's salad for our anniversary but she ended up not finishing it, so I took it back out.

Of course, positive confessions are more welcomed since the purpose of the project is to see more smiles this Christmas.

Confessions can even be a confession of love! We know that this 2016, many relationships may not have worked out but many have, as well, so it would be beyond lovely to see lovers confess through our book!

*whispers* and all you people having crushes but being too afraid too confess, do it through us. We'll help you.

Along with these confessions, you can choose to either make the confession anonymous or allow us to attach your username along with it.

Two point to take note of:

1. PLEASE MAKE THE CONFESSION UNDERSTANDABLE. Your confession will be broadcasted to the public, not just to you yourself, so please do not say things like 'Code 52' when the world has no idea what it means. TELL US what Code 52 is or simply rephrase it entirely.

2. PLEASE GIVE US A REASON TO YOUR ACTIONS. Do not confess 'I pulled my sister's hair while she was sleeping' without having a particular reason. It'll just come off as insane and weird.



Entries for confessions will open starting 12:00PM, 11th of December (GMT+0) and will close on 11:59PM, 31st of December (GMT+0).



Confessions must be sent directly to @ConfessionChristmas 's inbox. As there is a high chance of getting spam messages, we only accept messages with the hashtag #fessmas2016 added to it.

An example of an entry will be as follow:


I farted on my brother's face when he was sleeping.'

We will only accept confessions with the hashtag added in order to distinguish between a prank and a legitimate confession. Please respect us and refrain from sending anything else (reading requests, follow requests, etc).



Each member of the team will be given 5 to 10 confessions (depending on how many we get at the end of the day) to choose a favorite from and these favorites will be featured in a message on the account's message board AND in the book description!


That's all we have! Do remember to follow our account to be up to date on our upcoming projects to engage yourself in more fun :-)

We wish you an amazing end-of-2016 and an even better 2017.

And please, always remember to smile :)

Confession Christmas | #fessmas2016Where stories live. Discover now