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There it was, the filthy thing, just sitting there on the bed. Widowmaker continued to stare at the horrid, over-sized dog plush. The thing was old and filthy, its fur a dull brown, certain places sticking out in masses of furry brown spikes; while in others it sat flat against the dog as if it had been pressed down for a while. It's stuffing, weathered and clumpy making certain limbs look larger than others. To put it simply the thing was old and dirty, but for some reason (Y/N) preferred cuddling with that monstrosity instead of her. Now don't get the wrong idea Widowmaker wasn't jealous of the toy; She'd never submit to such a foolish emotion, she just didn't understand. They've been dating for some while now and true they've only just taken the big step of sleeping in the same bed but she wouldn't mind a few cuddles from her significant other so long as it didn't get out of hand, but no (Y/N) preferred her retched toy. Widowmaker's glare intensified in hopes of setting the abomination ablaze and ridding herself of its existence. But no there it sat mocking her with its dull glass eyes a prominent crack running through the left one. She had to get rid of it somehow or at least gain (Y/N)'s attention, though she couldn't quite think of a way to do so at the moment. She might need some help from someone who knew (Y/N) as well as she did. She sighed a small grimace played on her lips as she thought of said person, but her hesitation vanished as her eyes landed on the stuffed dog across the room. She stood from the armchair she was previously resting in, her book tumbling to the floor long forgotten as she swiftly exited the room.

"Um.... if you don't mind me askin' love. why is it you called me here"? The British pilot questioned, awkwardly fidgeting in her seat. It was quite obvious that the sniper and gunslinger weren't very fond of each-other. So it was quite a surprise to Lena when Widowmaker called her out today. Never in a million years would she imagine that Widowmaker would call her out for coffee but here they were.

"I have a problem". Widowmaker started, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Well couldn't someone else help you with that"?

"No. You see, this problem involves (Y/N), and unfortunately you're her best friend. So only you can help me".

"Oh....". Tracer paused looking at her mug. "It isn't anything serious though, right"? Widow cocked a brow, quickly dismissing the girls worry with the wave of her hand.

"Oh please. You needn't worry about anything like that".

"Well, what is it then"? Lena questioned. Widowmaker took a deep breath and proceeded to explain her current situation to Tracer.  She took a much needed drink of coffee when finished and began to analyze Tracer's reaction. She was not happy with what she found. The young brit was biting her lip in a desperate attempt to fight back a smile. Her shoulders shook and her cheeks flushed a deep red, she was laughing. Widowmaker sent a fierce glare her way which caused the younger girl's laughter to intensify. "I-I'm sorry love". She managed between giggles. "That's just so...". Widowmaker crossed her arms glare intensifying as she waited for Lena's giggle fest to finish.Once the girl caught wind of Widow's expression she quickly stifled her laughter. "Okay, okay. I'm done and I'm happy to help". She smiled.

"Well, What should I do then"? She was growing very tired of this very fast.

"Hm....Well". Lena stared into her mug, her brows furrowed in concentration. "You could complain about temperature, say you're cold, or say the blanket is too small so you two have to sleep closer. Oh! Or say you lost your pillow so you have to share, but I wouldn't suggest getting rid of the dog. (Y/N) loves that thing". Widowmaker mulled over the suggestions, she could see some of them working, sort of. They weren't the best and she could probably come up with better ones if she had the time but it was better than nothing.

"Thank you". Widow muttered standing from her seat.

"No problem love"! Lena shouted moving to stand as well.

"And Lena"?


"Don't tell (Y/N)".

"Puh-lease Widowmaker. I am professional and discreet, (Y/N) won't hear a word about this". She boasted smiling broadly. Widow just cocked a brow at her statement before rolling her eyes and leaving the café.

"(Y/N)! Widowmaker just asked me for advice on how to get you to cuddle with her"! Tracer called skipping into the room where the girl worked.

"Excuse me"? The girl in question asked, turning to her bubbly friend.

"Yea". She exclaimed hopping onto a desk "Apparently she thinks you'd rather cuddle with your toy plush instead of her". She stated happily swinging her legs to and fro. (Y/N)'s brow furrowed as she tried to comprehend Tracer's claim.

"So you're telling me that Widowmaker is jealous of my stuffed animal"?

"Yep" She chirped as her eyes absentmindedly scanned the room. "Oh"! She exclaimed as her eyes landed on the clock. "Would you look at the time! I should really be going. See you later"! She called skipping out of the room.

At first (Y/N) thought Tracer was just messing with her but as the week went on she began to notice Widowmaker acting really strange. She'd begun to complain about things that never bothered her before. She'd go on about how she was cold, or that there wasn't enough blanket for the both of them or how her side of the bed was uncomfortable. She started facing (Y/N) as they slept, claiming the glare of their digital alarm clock bothered her and even miraculously lost her pillow, resulting in the two having to share one. (Y/N) honestly found the whole thing adorable and was totally on board with cuddling up to her girlfriend. She still made sure to keep herself in line, to keep at a distance and make sure Widow had space and didn't get uncomfortable.

Widow sat comfortably in her armchair, a book in her lap though she can't seem to focus on the content. Lena's suggestions as well as a few of her own ideas have managed to gain  (Y/N)'s attention but she can still feel her hesitating, keeping at a distance, maintaining as little physical contact as possible, and Widowmaker couldn't help but blame the dog. She scowled as she stood from her chair and reached for the monstrosity.

"Out of sight, out of mind".

"Hey Widow". (Y/N) called as she walked into their shared room.

"Bonjour Chérie" Widowmaker greeted as she stood pressing a kiss to (Y/N)'s cheek. She smiled at the kiss as she made her way to the closet, quickly changing from her work clothes into a comfy pair of pajamas. She turned once finished, freezing as her eyes landed on the bed.

"Uh, Widow".


"Where is my dog"? Her eyes scanned every inch of the bed in search of the item in question. Widowmaker cocked a brow as she followed (Y/N)'s gaze, letting out a quiet 'oh' as if she just realized the plush's absence.

"I'm not sure chérie. Did you move it"?

"Not that I know of" She muttered as she worriedly searched the room. Widowmaker stood by the bed watching silently as (Y/N) searched for her toy plush.

"(Y/N) she called gently, gaining the girls attention. "If it really bothers you to sleep without the toy..." She paused taking a deep breath. "I'd be happy to help in anyway I can". She finished.

"You-".  Realization hit (Y/N) like a ton of bricks; Widowmaker hid it, she had to. What Tracer told her, her weird behavior, (Y/N) couldn't come up with any other reason for her dog to be missing other than Widowmaker hiding it.

"(Y/N)" She called pulling the girl from her train of thought. (Y/N) looked up meeting her girlfriends searching gaze.

"I would love that". She smiled. Widowmaker visibly stood straighter at her answer, the corners of her lips twitching as she gave the smallest of smiles.

Again Widowmaker sat in her armchair and again she couldn't focus on her book. Her eyes drifted to the corner of the room where the lonesome dog plush sat permanently banished from the bed. She gave a slight smirk at the sight.

"(Y/N) is mine".

Out of sight, Out of mind (Widowmaker X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now