Chapter Three: Hello Stranger

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F*ck him and his curiosity.

And Arthit too, for a good measure.

It was ten in the morning and here he was, hiding behind an electrical pole nearby Wad's house like a creep (the neighborhood children were giving him suspicious looks). He was supposed to be meeting Mr. Wang again around this time to finalize their yesterday deal and sign the papers.

But the plan, obviously, went awry. 

The morning back in the office began with Prem fidgeting and squirming in his seat when Hathai was giving him the routine brief of his schedule. Hathai was usually a patient and composed woman but when her boss started clicking her pen non-stop, a vein popped out on the side of her forehead.

"Mr. Prem, I think you need to take the day off. I will, of course, arrange your schedule again (Prem winced) and inform Mr. Wang of this change. Do try to settle the matter that has been bugging you by today," Hathai said and flipped the cover of her tablet with a loud "pap".

"Thank you, Hathai. You're" Prem said, trying to appease her.

"Glad you know that Mr. Prem, but no amount of flattery will get you out next time," she then calmly gathered her things, including the pen, and walked out of the office.

Prem would very much like to say he took his time to be here but the stink eye his driver was giving him along the way was enough to make him cowered. 

Right now, he was a good six-seven meters away from Wad's old home and he had yet to see or hear any movement inside the house since he arrived.

Could Arthit be lying?

If he was, Kongpope will be a widower soon.

Just as he finished that line of thought, Prem suddenly heard the sound of the window opening and quickly dodged down behind the pole.



Prem was instantly mesmerised by the sight in front of him. The dreams can never do justice to the real person, at least not this one.

After all these years, Wad still managed to capture his breath and heart at first sight. So easily, so effortlessly.

He looked a little bit older, this Wad. His hair was styled the same way as before and was a bit messy; probably he had just woken up. His face was thinner and there was a shadow of bristles around his jawline. He was slightly darker too from the last time Prem saw him.

Prem scowled when he finally reached his eyes. They were tinged red around the rims and his eye bags were very apparent. This Wad looked tired and defeated as if he was carrying a burden far too heavier for him and for far too long.

If things were different, Prem would have probably hug him right then and there to comfort him. He would have probably protected him from whatever troubles he may be in and kissed the pain away.

However, the small devilish side of Prem was satisfied with what he saw. The old flame of anger was soothed for a moment. It looked like he was not the only one who suffered and it better be that way. Prem would honestly lose his mind if Wad came back happy and with another lover.


Prem instantaneously scanned the house and its surrounding again. Arthit didn't mention any lovers (Prem bristled again at this thought) and he was sure there was no one else in the house so far. Prem's scrutiny landed at last on the only pair of shoes outside the house. He gave out a sigh of relief.

"Mister, what are you doing?" A childish voice asked from behind.

Prem nearly jumped out of his skin at the sudden interruption and turned to glare at a little girl, no older than five.

The girl, in return, gave him an unperturbed expression.

"You better go play with your friends or something. Uncle is a little bit busy right now," Prem said, shooing her away.

"No. Mama said to keep my eyes on suspicious strangers and I'm doing that right now," the girl explained simply.

Prem wanted to smack his forehead right then when he heard the explanation. The mother definitely needed to rephrase her words carefully from now on or her child will take in everything literally.

The minor commotion by the electric pole attracted Wad's attention. Prem noticed this too and he instantly turned his back towards Wad. He kept all the colorful curses to himself (the child was still around and Prem was not an idiot) and spoke out loudly.

"Hahaha, my sweet daughter. Of course, Papa will buy you the toy. Let's go!"

The girl's face brightened in a flash at the mere word of 'toy' and grabbed Prem's hand.

"Let's go! Let's go!" she shouted excitedly.

'Definitely need to warn to your mother about your tendency to follow strangers who easily promised you toys and candies' Prem mentally noted and let himself be dragged around by the child.

After he became a few hundreds Baht poorer by lunch hour, Prem sent the little girl home and had a few words with the mother. The child's mother was embarrassed by her child's behavior and wanted to compensate the toy's money but Prem declined politely.

"Ah, she also saved me from a little trouble just now. Let's just say this is her present. But, just a precaution, do advice her a little on following strangers around. I'm a bit worried about that," Prem explained while affectionately patting the little girl's head beside him.

"Yes, thank you very much for your advice and care for my child," the mother said and nudged her child to thank the "mister".

"Well, I have to get going. Be a good girl, alright?" Prem said and waved them goodbye.

He was only starting to make his way back to the main road when a familiar figure appeared in front of him.

"P'Prem," Wad said softly, not believing his eyes. He had followed Prem and the child from behind ever since he spotted him back at his house. Wad recognised Prem's silhouette anywhere, perhaps better than the back of his hand.

Prem's eyes hardened and Wad instinctively flinched.

He then sneered.

"Hello, Wad."


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