1.broken promise
2.under the rain
3.her puppet boy
4.Aid of love
5.when you know your forever alone
6.cheated on
7.killed by love
8.last drop of tear
9.giving up on love
10.left alone
11.my boyfriend cheated on me for my best friend
12.carousel of agony
13.dark eternity with my feeling
15.just a dream
16.blinded by love
18.bitter heart broken
19.shattered by his moves
20.tricked by a playboy
21.lie or die
22.when the rain stopped falling
23.edge of the cliff
24.she can only see me as a friend
25.friend zone
27.love for a day
28.forbidden by a gap
29.Against our will
Book Names Idea
Randomthis book was designed to give you idea for the title of the book that your going to create I'll put 30 idea in each chapter category