A Dream

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That night Mary waited and waited, but Joseph never came. Eventually she feel asleep, listening to Angel's music.

Joseph's POV


After work, I cleaned up, and began to head home, I know I told Mary I'd visit her but, I don't think I could stand to see me wife, pregnant with another man's child. When I got home, a strange feeling lingered around me.

"No, it's nothing" I said to myself.

I made myself a small dinner, and settled down to sleep.  As I fell asleep that feeling returned, it was like someone was calling me. I brushed the feeling off, then feel asleep. As I began to drift off I started to think of how I would break it to her.


"Joseph, Joseph" I heard someone call.

I opened my eyes, and there in front of me stood an angel. I was afraid.

"Am I dead?" I  asked him, while cowering in fear. What about Mary, my workshop, my parents?!?!

"No Joseph, you are not dead" the angel told me.

"Angel, kind sir, what do you ask of me."  I asked him. I began to slowly stand up.

"I bear a message from God." The angel told me.

" A... a message for me? From H...Him?"  I managed to stutter out. I was in astonishment, the Lord  had sent a message to me.

"Yes, He says to not be afraid. Take Mary as your wife, and fill the prophecy. Take ownership for My son, as his mortal father." The angel read off of a scroll. "My time draws near. I shall leave you now. Remember, do not be afraid, the Lord will see you through." The angel started to dissolve like mist until he was nothing but thin air.

"But... but wait I have more questions! I called after him.

"The Lord WILL see you through!! He bellowed, the sound rang through the air. Joseph shut his eyes and covered his ears. When he stood up once more the angel had left completely.


Suddenly I woke up in, I was in my bed, covered in a cold sweat. I felt clammy, like I was sick. I got up, and recalled my dream. It all came flooding back to me. I heard the door open and someone call out to me, but I didn't hear them. Suddenly I collapsed, and the person rushed over to me. It was Mary, I smiled, then everything went black.


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