Page 158, paragraph 4

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Ok, so I couldn't wait to put up the next chapter XD  I'm just too excited about this lol.. Before Pacific Rim came along, I was a hard core Avengers fan.. But now Pacific Rim, Kaiju's and Jaeger's have invaded my imaginations. I promise no Kaiju's will eat Steve :3

DISCLAIMER: I only own Lana Graham and my own twist on the story, everything else goes to their respectiable people!

Thanks a bunch, and enjoy!!

The next few days were extremely rough on Steve. His first attempt at the rope wall, he caught his foot on a loop and ended up hanging upside down.

    Going under the barbed wire fence with his rifle didn’t go well either. He was able to keep up, for the most part, but one of the other candidates, Hodge, made part of the course collapse on him. Erskine had to hold me back from beating Hodge for that one.

    A few hard days later, they were going on a run. Their drill sergeant being relentless as he yelled and yelled at them. I rode with Agent Carter in a jeep to the trail’s halfway point, marked by a Camp Lehigh flag. She’d also been keeping an eye on all of the candidates. We hadn’t gotten the chance to talk much but I knew she was a good person.

    “Who‘s your likely pick, Peggy?” I asked suddenly, looking around at the trees.

    She didn’t say anything for a moment before closing her clipboard and turning around to face me. I was lounging in the back, my feet over the edge in my signature way of sitting.

    “I like Hodge.” I laughed at her choice, making her raise a perfect eyebrow.

    “Isn’t he the one you laid out the first day?” I asked, giving the woman a knowing smile. A small one peaked back before she masked it. The smile remained in her eyes though. 

    “Yes, well, he’s the strongest and best of the group.” She stated in her British accent as she opened her clipboard again, looking through it.

    “Look outside the box, Agent Carter, were looking for a diamond, not the rough.” I said. She looked back up at me for a moment before we both heard the sound of the drill sergeant yelling.

    The recruits were just coming out of the trees, in two lines marching. All except poor Steve, who was struggling to breath in the back. The sergeant stopped the line and pointed up at the flagpole.

    When he said that the first man to get the flag gets to ride back with us in the jeep, al eyes landed on Agent Carter and I. Since my stay, I’d gotten more than a few looks from the men around camp. Most of them whistled and complimented me everywhere I went.

    I sat up slightly and waved my hand at the boys, winking. They all seemed to run frantically at the pole at once.

    Hodge was the closest to the top, getting one third of the way up before sliding back down. No one else could even get that far. The drill sergeant yelled that no one had gotten that flag in 17 years.

    After a few minutes of trying, the sergeant rounded up the candidates, getting them back in formation. I watched as Rogers, the only one that didn’t run to the pole when everyone else did, walked slowly up to the pole, accessing it.

    “Rogers, I said back in formation!” The sergeant yelled, standing right beside me. I stuck my pinky in my ear, trying to sooth the ringing.

    Steve finally bent down and released a pin from the bottom of the pole, making a larger pin able to be pulled out so the flag pole fell over. It his the grass with a loud ting. He unclipped the flag, wadded it up and handed it to the sergeant before hopping in the back beside me. I had to sit up to make room for him.

    We took off after that, leaving the rest of the men to run back with the yelling sergeant. I looked over at Steve as we rode along, catching every bump in the dirt path.

    “I‘m Lana Graham.” I say, smiling warmly and offering Rogers my hand.

    He looks down at it, then back up at me before grabbing it with his own, giving a surprisingly strong handshake.

    “Steve Rogers.” His voice surprised me. For such a little guy, he had a strong voice.

    “Steve, is it alright if I call you that?” His back stiffened and he nodded. I felt like I was dealing with a timid animal. I continued to smile at him but he never relaxed.

    “I want you to do me a favor.” I asked softly. He just looked at me, complying.

    “Do you know where my tent is?” He nodded again.

    “There’s a larger one just to the right of it, can you come see me there after dinner? I have something to show you.” After a few minutes of silence, he nodded once. My smile brightened and I clapped.

    “Great! I’ll see you then!” I said happily. His shoulders lost some of their rigidity as he started to smile back. It was awkward looking at first until his lips rested in a small smile.

    When we reached camp, Steve launched himself from the jeep and took off at a brisk pace, back to his barricks I assumed. I watched him go.

    “That‘s our diamond” I said, knowing Peggy was still sitting in the front seat. She toyed with her pencil in her mouth for a moment, watching Steve walk away as well before closing her clip board and exiting the jeep.

    I spent the rest of the day in the large tent I asked Steve to meet me at. I had nothing better to do. Watching the candidates all the time could be boring, and luckily the large tent held a way to entertain me.

    When the sun started to set and the dinner bell was rang, I exited the tent, heading to the mess hall. On my way there, I saw Steve lagging behind everyone else. I came up behind him and, not having to lean far, got my mouth right beside his head.

    “Don’t forget Steve.” He jumped out of his skin and spun to face me. I laughed and gave his slender shoulder a squeeze. After waving once, I left the stunned man standing there.

    Dinner was bland and spent with Peggy. She and I were some of the only females in camp so it was natural for us to sit at the end of one of the large tables together. The men put three chairs distance between us and them, giving us as much privacy as they could.

    For the first time, Peggy initiated the conversation, bringing up one of the candidates. We launched into a friendly debate about who was best. After a few minutes, we had each other laughing and were both talking more open.
    “I see what you mean.” Peggy randomly said as I took a bite of my stale bread. I rose an eyebrow at her, trying to chew the brick in my mouth.

    “About the diamond in the rough.” I swallowed my food, flashing a smile at her.

    “What’s in that large tent anyway?” She asked, not breaking eye contact with me as she took a bite of her own food. I smiled at the woman.

    “I’ll show you tomorrow, how about that?” She smiled back and nodded.

    We spent the next few minutes eating and chatting before throwing away our trash and going our separate ways. I stuck my hands in my pockets as I walked back to my tent, the sun almost falling.

    I saw a figure sitting beside the door of my large tent and I knew right away who it was. There was only one guy I knew that would read by flashlight.

    “Good evening, Mr.Rogers.” I spoke out as I got closer.

    He scrambled to his feet, saluting me. I stopped in my tracks and bit my lip to stop the laugh that was threatening to bubble over.
    “I’m not in the army, Steve, you don’t have to salute me.” I said lightheartedly. He lowered his hand slowly, shifting awkwardly as he let his hand dangle at his side.

    “Care to come inside? It’s getting slightly chilly outside.” I offered, using my hand to gesture at the door. I was giving him a chance to leave if he really wanted to. When he didn’t move his gaze from mine, I smiled and stepped forward, opening the door.

    He followed quickly behind, and I held open the door for him. He practically hugged the doorframe and walked to the middle of the room quickly. I shut the door behind him and flicked on the light switch. It took Steve a moment to take in the room before he turned to me, looking confused.

    “Maim?” He asked, looking even more puzzled when I walked around him to touch the only item in the tent.

    “You know what this is, correct?” I asked, leaning against it with my hip and crossing my arms over my chest.

    “Yes maim, it’s a jeep, like the ones around camp.” Steve took a few steps forward to examine said jeep. It was a regular military jeep, no top and used to transportation around camp.

    “Precisely. And why do you think I have it hidden away in this large tent?” I asked, smiling when I saw the wheels in his head start to turn. He looked at my hands and I showed him that there was no grease on me or any part of me, meaning I wasn’t working on the maintenance of it. Then he took a sweep around it, not letting a single part of it go unseen.

    I watched the attentive man with a small smile on my face. He was smarter than he let on. But I knew he’d never be able to guess what my answer was.

    “I’m not sure.” He finally answered, eyeing the jeep with new attention. Like he was trying to see something that wasn’t on the surface.

    “You know why you’re here, right? To have the chance to be apart of Dr.Erskine‘s experiment?” Steve looked at me and nodded.

    “Your not his first experiment, and definitely not his last.” I said, running my hand along the dusty metal.

    “What do you mean, not his first?” Steve asked and I didn’t answer right away. I didn’t have to look at him to know he’d come to the conclusion on his own.

    “Are-.. Are you his first?” I looked up at him and walked around the vehicle that he put between us to stand in front of him. Again, I leaned against the metal, this time on my bum.

    “I was picked off the streets, much like you were, but from much worse conditions. My parents didn’t love me, I had no friends, I never even went to school. But I always just..” I cut myself off, trying to find the right words.

    “Just knew stuff that I couldn’t explain.” He looked at me, confused, but let me talk anyway.

    “I can tell you by just looking at this vehicle that it’s missing a washer on all it’s wheels. The steering wheel is slightly crooked to the right and the back left tire is slowly leaking air from a bad patched gun shot.” His eyes widened and he gave the vehicle another look.

    “If you don‘t believe me, I can read you.” Steve’s attention turned back to me and he straightened his shoulders. I took that as my permission.

    “Steve Rogers. Brooklyn, and 5 other cities so I’ve heard.” Steve rubbed the back of his head bashfully.

    “Born on July 4th, 1918 to Sarah and Joseph Rogers. Your father was in the Army but he died in World War 1. Your mother died of tuberculoses from being a nurse.”

    “You were bullied a lot as a child, and still are to this day. But you never back down from a fight, which got you your first ever friend, Bucky. You and Bucky become extremely close and when the US goes to war with the Axis, Bucky decides to help you get in the Army. Of course, you didn’t make it, getting a 4F and rejected from service.”

    “Bucky used to train you at Goldie’s Boxing Gym, right?” His mouth dropped open in shock.

    “And the last time you got beat up before you entered the service was in an alley behind a movie theater because you told someone to shut up when they were advertising the war.” Steve shut his mouth quickly but his eyes remained huge as saucers.

    “And I know that in your book you were reading, you were on page 158, the 4th paragraph that started ‘I took aim with my rifle, getting the top of his helmet in my sights..’.”

    “Wow.” Steve finally said.

    “I could do this before Abraham found me.” I admitted, moving from the jeep to take a few steps towards him. He didn’t make a move away from me, didn’t even flinch when I rested a hand on his arm.

    “After he brought me in from the streets, he asked me if I wanted to kill Nazi’s, much like he asked you. My answer was simple ‘I can’t stand harm coming to those who have done nothing wrong. And if anyone knows if they’ve done wrong, it’s me.’” I smiled warmly at him and it seemed like everything inside him relaxed.

    “That started the line of tests leading up to a special serum. A serum that would enhance what I already have. The change was instantaneous. Physically, I stayed the same, but mentally, everything opened up. Regular people can only use 10% of their minds. I can use all of mine.” I turned away from him, finally done explaining and faced the jeep.

    “Would you like to see what my specialty is?” I asked over my shoulder, glancing at him. A simple nod was all he gave me.

    “I’d take a step back if I was you.” I warned, closing my eyes and turning all of me to face the jeep. Taking a deep breath, I opened my eyes and reached out my mind to the jeep, caressing the rough metal with a mental touch.

    Finally, bolts started unscrewing themselves and floating in the air. The first big part of the jeep that came off were the wheels, leaving the jeep suspended like it still had wheels on it. Piece by piece, the jeep came apart before our eyes until all that stood intact was the frame. All of the parts were floating suspended in mid air.

    “This is incredible.” I felt Steve close behind me and he walked around me to examine the parts, specifically around the wheels.

    “They really are missing their washers.” I laughed and stepped beside him.

    “Do you think I‘m a freak, Steve?” I asked quietly as he examined each part with fasination. Finally, his eyes turned back to me, serious.

    “I think your different, maim. Nothing wrong with different.” He straightened himself to his full height, which was the same as mine, and gazed into my eyes. I was surprised when I felt the blush creep to my cheeks. I quickly turned myself around, facing away from Steve

    “I think that’s all for tonight.” I say softly and Steve follows me to the door. This time, he walks around me and opens it for me. I nod once and walk through the door, happy to have the slightly chilled air and dark night on my cheeks.

    “Good night Lana.” Steve said as we started to part ways. I stopped and looked at the small man with a small smile.

    “Good night Steve, Sleep well. Tomorrow’s a new day.” I said back. When Steve stopped walking as well, our gazes locked again and for a whole minute we just stood their, staring at each other.

    “Good night.” He mumbled, sticking his hands in his pockets. Then he turned on his heels and disappeared in the shadows. I watched his small form retreat until he finally was too hard to see.

    “Good night.” I said softly, quickly deciding I wasn’t ready to go to bed and I headed back into the large tent.

    As I walked in, I noticed something different about the room. My senses honed in on a particular part of the room. Specifically a small spot on the ground near the jeep. The closer I got, the more I knew about it.

    Finally reaching the book, I picked it up from ground and brushed off it’s back. I gazed at the cover with a smile. It was a war book. I turned to page 158 and scanned for the 4th paragraph. Sure enough it started.

    I took aim with my rifle, getting the top of his helmet in my sights. My first chink kill, I thought. My momma would be proud.

Well well well.. How interesting is this? :3 I suprise myself with what comes out of my fingertips sometimes XD Update really will be Thursday though lol :p Comment, rate and vote!!!

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